Quite end user friendly
It is not a Roon issue but a Qobuz issue!!!
What happened was following.
A month or so ago I changed my e-mail address and I changed this in Qobuz also.
No problem I though but what happened was they copied some of my old account in Qobuz to my new e-mail address but not the streaming plan that remained on my old e-mail address.
So instead of a change of e-mail I suddenly had two accounts within Qobuz.
I was thinking I changed the e-mail only…
So now I changed within Roon the Qobuz account to my old e-mail address and voila no problem anymore… works like a charm and is playing now.
I’ve asked Qobuz to merge the two accounts to one and hopefully everything is solved with this!
So really…just what we thought, no streaming plan was attached to the email used for Qobuz inside of Roon.
Truly glad you managed to work this out with Qobuz.
Now… enjoy the music!
Hello @goosse ,
Glad to hear that you’ve been able to pinpoint this issue to the Qobuz account and have resolved it! Hope you have continued enjoyable Roon listening sessions!
@goosse : had the same problem on both ROON and Audirvana STUDIO(AS), Qobuz worked fine on my iPad Pro and iPhone and the WEBPLAYER but not the desktop app or ROON . Dealt first with AS their superior support staff TOOK OVER my computer using TeamViewer and fixed the problem BUT I also REBOOTED my router which also fixed things with ROON and Qobuz desktop app !! So I would suggest you and others try that first in the future(rebooting also improved my SONY Smart Android TV streaming which kept saying my WiFi and Internet were not connected when they really were)
I also connected with Dan Mackta(@dmackta) and David Craff(@David Craff) through computeraudiophile ( now AudiophileStyle) a really great resource BTW—these are the 2 executives from Qobuz
My system is very simple a late2012 Mac Mini i7 16GB RAM with new 4TB Samsung SSD using Catalina with APPLE time capsule WiFi.
The folks at AS not only took over my computer but FOUND all my iTunes Library that disappeared when I up graded to Catalina(800+CD albums that took me the better part 2 NFL seasons to rip into that Mac Mini !!) Wonder if ROON support can do that for all of you/us when we have such a complicated problem instead suggesting all those esoteric solutions??
BTW I just did A-B-C comparisons of Qobuz playlist called “192kHz” and by far and away the best SQ is AS and is in 192k not just 96K as in ROON through my Schiit Yggdrasil GS DAC.
Hope this helps you and others out there BUT FIRST always REBOOT your routers
So i added Tidal to Roon. I have Qobuz , which has been a disaster on Roon, and albums i added show up that should be showing up on Qobuz. I transferred my music from qobuz to Tidal using Tune My Music.
SO there are certainly still problems with Qobuz.
This thread relates to an issue that has been solved. Nobody is claiming that, for some users, there are not still problems with Qobuz/Roon integration (please excuse the double negative!).
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