Qobuz playback hanging every Sunday? (Belgium location)

Qobuz works without Roon, so it is more likely a Roon issue or a combination of both, located in Brussels / Belgium

The ISP is Telenet

Same problem with Qobuz. Qobuz streams through my Sonus, but will not play through Roon. Tidal through Roon is fine

Problem just noted re: Qobuz is in Columbus, Ohio .

Hallo @William_VLAEMINCK - I’ve moved your support request into the existing thread on this issue to consolidate the reports.

I notice that at least two people reporting this issue of Qobuz not playing through Roon on Sundays are using the same ISP (telenet - www.telenet.be). @noris - could this be significant?

@John_Harmon - if your issue is still existing, could you open a separate Support request for it, as you are in a different location (Ohio, not Belgium).

In order for Roon’s @support team to better assist you, please provide a brief description of your current setup and the nature of the issue using this link as a guide.

Make sure to describe your network configuration/topology, including any networking hardware currently in use, so they have a clear understanding of how your devices are connected.

Note that the (possibly) offending ISP is telEnet (not telnet). It is one of the 2 major ISP in Belgium (and the major cable distribution player in Belgium).

Also note that, In the same period, all other internet services provided worked as expected.

And the problem with Qobuz playback through Roon did not happen to me this WE.


Thanks - corrected my post.

I don’t know if my ISP which is www.telenet.be is the cause of this issue only with Qobuz through Roon every sunday at around 17h CET, and that TIDAL through Roon works and that Qobuz without Roon works also.

Hi All,

Are you still seeing this problem every Sunday or has the behavior subsided? It does seem curious that the affected reports are all on Telnet. If anyone affected by this issue also has Mobile Hotspot capabilities, it would be interesting to see if the Hotspot allows Qobuz streaming.

As far as i can see, the issue has subsided. Not specifically tested for it, but I listen to music via Roon via Qobuz daily, and had no problems over the last couple of weeks.

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