Qobuz streaming Hi-res albums breaking up but Low res versions play OK

Roon Core Machine

Innuos Zenith Mk3

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Ethernet connection to router via powerline adapters

Connected Audio Devices

NAIM Uniti Atom; Bluesound Pulse Mini 2i

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

In the last few days, when streaming albums from Qobuz the 192/24 HiRes versions quickly start breaking up followed by file drop out then restart on next track when the break up cycle repeats. Note, if I stream the 44/16 version of the albums they play normally so the problem relates only to the 192/24 versions. 96/24 albums also play OK. Is this a Qobuz problem or a Roon problem? What’s the solution?

Have you rebooted everything from the network outward including the powerline adapters?

Just done that and now album is playing OK! Can you explain why?

My guess is the powerline adapters they aren’t the greatest thing in earth and can get in a failing state. Roon explicitly warns about them in their networking notes
I had them and got fed up of them and got a mesh wireless network instead.

Not clear if your Innuous is connected to back to your core switch / router via (non-powerline) Ethernet, but that’s the first place I’d look if there’s any way you can try it. Running a long ethernet cable through the house over floors and through doors and down stairs etc is no fun, but if you do that experiment and it results in no drop-outs, you’ve found your culprit and you can deal with it however you want.

For instance read this thread - this person was wiring endpoints, not core (which was already done):

Thanks all for your replies. I have been using my system via the powerline adaptors since I first adopted Roon 3 or 4 years ago and have never had this problem before. I’m hoping to move house shortly so won’t be making any mods at present, but will do so in the new one.

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