Qobuz tracks Still not playing (adding @Support)

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Dedicated desktop pc
Win10 i5-9500t, 16GB ram, 256Gb hdd

Roon server 1.7 (build 571)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

wired ethernet 100/1000 to xfinity router

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

USB to D30 DAC

Description Of Issue

Hello @Support

I have latest ver Roon server with 4 endpoints on a dedicated win10 pc and network. Qobuz tracks and albums will not play any longer. I can log in and view Qobuz splash page and view albums and tracks, but not play music from the service.

Every track from Qobuz will stall . Sometimes they may play after 5-10 minutes as part of a playlist. Most will not and eventually time out. Albums however, will not play at all.

I noticed this beginning on 7/22-7/23 and continues today.

All selections play fine in the Qobuz desktop app and/or a browser on same pc. So not service access related…nor likely network related.

It seems there are a number of other users with the same issue recently. It would be great to have a resolution.

Things I have tried:

restart Roon server
rebuild database
remove and rebuild cache
resync Tidal and Qobuz services
restart router
use different router


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