I have noticed for the past couple of weeks that random albums and tracks are being added to my library. Music that I’ve never searched, added, etc. I have changed my password multiple times in case of an account breach. However, it’s still happening. Any explanation?
This is a screenshot from today, November 8th. All of these were NOT added by me.
@Karl_Rabaya, do you subscribe to any streaming services? When you state
Are you changing your Roon password or that of your streaming service(s)? Previously, other Roon users experienced breaches of their streaming accounts (but not Roon).
From the screen shot those tracks look like Qobuz tracks, as @Robert_F suggests if you’ve not done so already change your Qobuz password as well as your Roon account password.
If that’s doesn’t fix it, time to scratch heads and see what Roon’s support team suggest.
More and more tracks and albums are being added every day. It’s getting quite annoying now. I haven’t even opened the Qobuz desktop application since the 8th, which is the same day I changed passwords again for both Qobuz and Roon.
Thank you for your patience in awaiting a response.
My only suggestion would have been to change the password but it looks like you’ve already covered that. I will need to look into this for us and will get back to you when I have something of substance to offer.
I reviewed your situation with our development group and we’re almost at a loss. As @Robert_F mentioned this is almost always a PW changing/account compromised scenario.
First, we’d like to look at your core’s diagnostics logging. The core is offline and we’re unable to access that at this time. We can look for these tracks and see where it’s coming from with that information available to us.
What do you see when you look at your favorites in either the Qobuz application or the Qobuz web player? Are these tracks present there too?
As you can see, there are multiple tracks that have been added through Roon that I did not add myself. They are still currently there. I took these screenshots just now.
One of the issues I see on the backend is pretty troubling. Either crashes are taking place, the drive is going bad, or there is some sort of interfering code such as malware or a virus. Roon generates logs and stores them locally for our diagnostics. I would expect the numbers to be sequential but they’re not:
I was able to find at least one of your mystery items in the logging though.
11/11 10:28:14 Trace: [library] endmutation in 13ms
11/11 10:28:14 Trace: [library/compute] computing 26 tracks
11/11 10:28:14 Info: [bgwork] begin bg operation applying_library_settings @ 26/45
11/11 10:28:14 Trace: [dbperf] flush 57932 bytes, 52 ops in 0 ms (cumulative 132792693 bytes, 64125 ops in 5632 ms)
11/11 10:28:14 Trace: [library] finished with 26 dirty tracks 1 dirty albums 1 dirty performers 0 clumping tracks, 0 clumping auxfiles 26 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 26 tracks to (re)load, 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to (re)load, 0 auxfiles to retain, and 28 changed objects
First off, run a chkdsk on your harddrive and verify you don’t have some bad sectors in the works.
Run CHKDSK from Command Prompt
Type cmd (Command Prompt) in the Start menu search bar, then click Run as administrator.
Type chkdsk and hit Enter. CHKDSK will scan for drive errors and let you know if it found any you should repair, but it won’t try to fix them without a command.
I would also run a memory test: The next easiest way to test your memory is with Windows 10 (opens in new tab)'s built-in Memory Diagnostic tool.
Search for “Windows Memory Diagnostic” in your start menu, and run the application.
Select “Restart now and check for problems.” …
Once restarted, wait for the result message.
One last thing. Go to Roon>Settings>Library and click the clean up library function. It might very well help our situation here!
here are the results of the disk scan
I have completed the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool and there were no errors detected.
Lastly, I have Cleaned Up my library within Roon.
It’s really odd. ALL log files for the date added as shown in your screenshot are missing.
Can you please identify a newly added track from today or tomorrow (whatever works best for you) and supply the track name? I would like to be able to see where this is coming from. All evidence of the dates in your screenshots is gone.
there were two tracks that were added yesterday, 11/17. Again, I did not add these and I have changed my password for both Qobuz and Roon multiple times including the other day, 11/16. Here’s a screenshot
I have reviewed this with my team and we are almost at a loss. The absence of sequential log files (as shared above) is something we’d never seen. That’s why it led us to look at the idea of a corrupted SSD or corrupted memory.
As far as your added tracks go, please log into the Qobuz web player and look at “my playlists”. Roon is pulling this from somewhere and we suspect that either your own playlists or Qobuz’s discovery playlists were “hearted” or favorited at some point and somehow.
After that, our only recommendations are a Windows repair and a fresh install of Roon. The fresh install of Roon would be a great way to eliminate the possibility of application corruption and I will list the instructions below. Try to test without importing your databases and see if anything comes over.
I looked at my Qobuz web player and under “My Playlists”, there’s nothing. It is empty. I added a screenshot of my favorites. You’ll see that it hasn’t changed from the last screenshot of the same thing (for Qobuz). I will do a fresh install of Roon now.