Roon Core: Synology NAS DS220 plus
Roon Version: 1.8 (build 884)
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Fritz!Box Router, connected via Ethernet with the Synology NAS
Switch: Netgear
Connected Audio Devices
Sonos Players (WiFi connected)
Number of Tracks in Library
7,132 tracks
Description of Issue
I have put my local library on a Synology NAS. When ripping CDs, Roon made in realtime a scan of new files and added them automatically to Roon. Now, since the last update, this feature doesn’t work. I checked that the storage path is still correct, I even deleted it and added it again, but then, when ripping a new cd, the new files do not appear automatically in Roon.
When making a force rescan, new tracks/albums do appear in Roon, which proves me that the storage path in Roon itself is correct. I can also see the files when searching them on my NAS.
So, can you please have a look and check, why the scan in realtime seems currently not working?
Which folders are now added as watched in the Roon? Is it local, or added as a network folder? From NAS?
What will happen, if you add the new subfolder in the already watched folder, and change the CD rip path into it? Will new tracks appear in the Roon in real-time, from this folder?
there are 2 Storage places currently set-up in my Roon Core and both are network folders on my NAS: one for lossless (ALAC) files and one for lossy files.
the CD Rip path is exactly one of the 2 storage places in Roon, as mentioned above, that is: Synology DS220plus – Music - ALAC files
When I rip now a new album, it will be stored under this rip path, but it does not show up automatically in real-time in Roon, only when I click on “Force rescan” in the settings. But it worked perfectly before until the last Roon update and any ripped CD showed up in real-tim in Roon.
I hope my explanations make now more sense. Thanks for your help.
Best, Christian
Thanks for the clarification!
Have you tried to perform â„–2?
Create a new directory in Synology DS220plus=>Music=>ALAC files=>New_directory, and set the CD rip path right into this new_directory. Will new tracks appear in the Roon in real-time, from this directory, during CD rip?
I tried, as you proposed, and yes, this time, with a new directory, it worked. So, the album ripped to the new directory in a subfolder appeared automatically in Roon. Then, I ripped a second album, back to the original desired folder, and this time, unfortunately, the album did not appear automatically. (only with a force rescan).
hmm, strange, why does it work when adding a subfolder in the already watched folder, but not when adding new files to the already watched folder?
I’ve been noticing the same issues since last week. Unfortunately I don’t understand much of the help given but maybe my situation is different.
When I rip a CD it comes on a drive in my PC. From there I copy it to the Storage > Music folder in my sonicTransporter’s built-in hard disk. In Roon’s Settings> Storage, this is the Music Folder that is read by Roon. The CD always appeared in the Roon window, for example in Recent Activity > Added. But now I have to do a Force rescan of the Music folder in Settings> Storage. Only then will the album appear. This procedure is new to me. As far as I know I haven’t changed anything in the settings. Also, if I add a PDF to the music file in the storage> Music Folder (built-in harddisk) of my sonicTransporter, a Force rescan has to be applied for it to appear in Roon.
To me, this sounds exactly the same that I face with the watched library folders in Roon. I neither changed any of my settings, but recently only the force rescan helps me out to add new ripped music to Roon. I hope Roon can fix that. Thanks.
Didn’t take any action than rip a new album to the Music folder and…it shows up in Roon without forcing a rescan. Don’t know why but it works as before.
Judging too early though…
It took a day for an album to immediately become visible in Roon, but now I have to do a Force rescan again to import an album. I notice that the watched folder with my music files is not imported in real time as are documents and cover photos that I add to the files. Last night my Music folder suddenly disappeared and I had to specify a new path to my folder. When the scan of the folder was finished, it turned out that quite a few albums had been split. These all had to be merged. It’s unclear to me why that happened. Finally, I have problems with a few albums that I removed from the folder and that I hoped would no longer be visible in Roon, but that didn’t work: they are still visible but cannot be played. I tried it with the Hide function but Roon doesn’t see any items and so nothing is hidden. It seems that the collaboration between Roon and the watched folder with music files suddenly is not what it should be, while that never gave any problems. I’ve added a few thousand albums like that without encountering this kind of problems. I have only heard this complaint from one other user. What could be going on here?
I restarted my Synology NAS where I have stored the Roon Core.
I ripped a new Album, and faced the problem as before.
I did a rescan, and then the new files appeared in Roon.
I uploaded my log files as zip file to my Dropbox and send the link to this email:
PS: I noticed that the other way around the watched folder did work: meaning, when deleting files from the watched folder, they disappeared in real time in Roon. Strange!
This sounds to me like your library has just grown to a size where it reached the current limits defined on your OS. Try to check the limits and compare them to the total count of files and folders in your Roon watched folder. Does it match? Please read:
Note: Realtime watching is done by the OS (Kernel and drivers). A userland process like Roon just asks to be notified when a change happens. If the OS doesn’t send notifications for changes, for example because watch limits are reached, the process can obviously not react.
Add folder count and probably there are also some other files like pictures and PDFs … this might very well add up to the often used 8192 default limit.
hmmm, but why does it work, when I make a new subfolder within the folder that is already watched in real tim. When the problem is a question of size limitations, then I would expect the same behaviour and that it doesn’t work with a subfolder neither, or?
the 7,132 tracks I currently have are “only” 470 albums, so not really a big library…
Update: A force rescan has absolutely nothing to do with real-time watching. This is the userland process walking over the files and folders piece by piece and taking inventory.
This seems to rule-out file name/path length related possibilities why files may not appear in Roon as a force rescan wouldn’t have helped in such cases.
Fact is that Roon obviously didn’t stop reacting on notifications in general. So what possibilities are there:
Roon selectivity refuses to act upon received file change notifications.
(Roon Labs developers may have to look into that)
The OS stops sending file change notifications under certain unknown circumstances.
(Users with setups that exhibit this behavior may have to look into that; Synology may be able to help here, @crieke maybe too)
I am not deep enough in the matter at hand to provide more in-depth guidance, nor do I have a setup with that issue to look into it myself.