Recalculating/adding tracks at every restart + splitting albums

@pl_svn the mac is not rebooted. I only rebooted/restarted Roon. That’s why it is so strange that Roon drops hundreds of albums and the recalculates. Note that the album drop does not happen every time you restart Roon.

And now that Thåström album that’s been hidden or merged ten times turned up again! And not with all tracks, but different tracks every time.

Album count after this restart is correlating good enough to the last though. Which is also a bit strange since new albums are added (that isn’t new…).

Hi @Thomas_Rosander ----- Thank you for your patience and my apologies for the wait here. When you see “New” on an album cover this is only covering albums that haven’t been played yet, so albums in “recently added” can still be new, without the badge.

Moving forward, may I kindly ask you to please try the following:

  1. reboot everything and let the initial scan complete.

  2. Confirm that the spinner is gone and then check settings > library to confirm analysis is complete, or still running.


Hi @Eric!

Everything rebooted in the order: Router - Drobo - MacMini. Roon restarted after that. Spinning complete and analysis complete.

Result: The number of albums seems consistent with the latest scan, but still I really can’t understand why Roon keep saying albums are new that it have never called new before. This time all of a sudden a bunch of Bob Marley albums turned up as “new”.

What’s worse is that the Thåström album I’ve now hidden the “duplicate” of (Files on drive show no duplicate of that album, so Roon seems to make that album up at almost every rescan.) at least ten times has showed up again. This time with duplicate tracks, but incomplete as every time. The second album, Taube, also turns up in various states at almost every reboot.

I can live with an album or two that behaves strangely, but that’s not the problem ad I worry about how many of my other albums are regarded as incomplete or just mixed up by Roon.

Another thing that has happened there or four times lately is that the connection to the audio playback is lost.
I run a Mytek Brooklyn and a Hifiberry, which can suddenly both be lost, and then turn up again when I restart Roon.
Audio continues to play fine through other software, so the Mytek is not lost by the computer itself (connected via usb).

Please see pictures below of the current status.


Hi @Eric!

Here’s another picture to illustrate part of the problem since I never fully understood what you meant about the “new” label. If I sort albums after “Sorted by Date Added”, albums still turn up that was added ages ago. The last album I actually added of these are Genesis Turn it on again tour (Don’t ask why since it sucks!) then comes a few “old” additions down to Patti Smith Horses/Horses, which is new. After that everything is correct down to 2017/02/13 Brooklyn Phil Lesh, then there’s a Bob Marley album that also was added ages ago during the first Roon scan of my system, as the others above. Then comes a mix of new and old additions.

Please try to explain this to me.

I also noted a discrepancy between this views album count, 4482, and the Overview that say 4536. How’s this?


any chance you have, in Library/Import Settings, “Track Import Date” set to “Use File Modification Date” and you edited some tags?

Nope. But that would have been a plausible explanation.


Another example of a “new” not new album turned up yesterday. As you can see in the second picture the album already exist and is complete. Roon still finds a “new” album with only track 5.
As you can see in the third picture that dreaded old Thåström album turned up again today, twice, as a “new” album while the original not new album sits where it always has been sitting.

Any ideas? I mean, the whole point of the Overview must be to see you recently added albums, right?
As I see it there must be something that trigger this constant recalculation in the album or track metadata, but what, and why?

Thomas… let’s drop once more a flag to @support :wink:

My Mac mini shuts down every night and I reboot it every day and… never seen this issue :confused:

wait… it actually happened here too once, with one multi-disc album, after updating to 1.3
found that album to be the one and only, in my whole library, to be splitted by disc in sub-folders
everything else, here, is organised by 1folder=1album so, usually, path is “music/File Format/Album” whilst for that one is “music/File Format/Album/Album Disc1” etc

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.