Remove Duplicate Artist Links from Album (ref#2DISXC)

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I have an album with two primary artist links for the same artist. How do I remove one of them?

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Roon server running on iMac w/ Focusrite Scarlet interface. But this is not a performance issue.

You can click one of the purple (+) entries that you are showing in your screenshot and they will turn to red (-) entries. This will remove them. Note that the Robben Ford & The Blue line is the correct item, the lower-case the version is an erroneous duplicate.

If the two artist entries actually refer to two different identities (which may exist in error), you also have the option of merging them into one. This is helpful if both identities have albums associated with them, so that those get associated with the correct main artist entry:

Search for the artist, then select both search results and click the Merge button that will appear top right. Note:

  • You can only merge artists if you have a credit of each in the library. This shouldn’t be a problem here because they are both credited on the one album.
  • Only the artist that you merge into survives with their bio and and other information. Again, no problem here because the correct artist has a bio and a picture and the other is a nearly empty stub (with an album in the discography, though)

(In some such cases of duplicated artists they may both not have a picture and be written the same. In this case, once can edit one of the artist names to distinguish them during the merge)

Thanks, Suedkiez, for your response.

My actual goal in doing all this is to have the album in question appear along side other Robben Ford and The Blue Line titles on the Album page. Currently, the album appears sorted with the “R’s”, and I was thinking that the double primary artist link was somehow responsible for that misbehavior. I have a few other RFATBL titles that get sorted correctly on the Album page.

I tried clicking the + to minus (purple to red) on one link, as you suggested, but both links are still there (albeit in a different mode). On the Album page, there is still a numeral “2” in the upper right corner of the album cover graphic. I am assuming the 2 refers to two primary artists, but I’m not sure about that.

My other thought was that somehow this album is getting sorted on the “R” of Robben instead of the “F” of Ford, but I don’t know how to change that behavior for a single album. And like I said, other titles are sorted correctly.

Anyhow, thanks for your help!

I bet the cause for this is different information for the “Last-First Sort Name” property. Go to version of the artist that gets sorted into “R”, click the artist’s (…) menu > Edit and scroll down:

Enter the preferred sort order into the blank field, e.g. “Ford, Robben and the Blue Line”, press Enter and then click Save to close the edit window.

Tried that. Now all versions of Robben Ford, Robben Ford & The Blue Line, etc. are sorted together ON THE ARTIST PAGE, but that one album by them still sorts with the "R"s ON THE ALBUM PAGE .

I wonder if only this one artist is affected for you. Do you have similar cases to test with?

For instance I reported similar issues with the sort order being ignored in My Albums over a year ago, B1237 Artist Last Name, First Name sort partially broken again [Resolved Build 1246] - #12 by Suedkiez), but this was fixed quickly in Build 1246, also over a year ago. One of the offenders back then was the Mark Lanegan Band that was sorted into M in My Albums (but into L in My Artists) although I had entered the sort order “Lanegan, Mark Band”, and this has remained working as intended after it was fixed:

Wait a minute, come to think of it there is a special case with “the” in the name. It’s described here, Alphabetical order of Artists, and though it is a different situation maybe this special behavior also affects your case. What exactly did you enter as the sort order?

I think I found a fix. In the Album Editor for the album of interest, I edited Album Artist (as opposed to Primary Artist) and set it to “Ford, Robben”. Now both the album (on the Artists page) and the album name (on the Albums page) sorts the way I want them.

Thank you for offering your suggestions that led to a solution. Much appreciated!

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