Good Morning Christopher,
thanks’ for getting the rooExtend-Box and for sending the screenshot.
I can see that your rooExtend-Box is still at v3.0.0. It should have updated over night so this morning you should see v.3.3.1 with rooAIDJ visible in the License Manager ready to accept your License Key.
In very few cases the rooExtend-Box fails doing the initial update. If this happened with your box please visit my Download Area and get the rooExtend-Box Manual. At the end of page 48 I explained what to do to force a manual update. Please wait patiently for some minutes after pressing the button and NEVER turn off power during update. You can see the update starting watching the LEDs at the front. The meaining of the blinking signals is also explained on page 48 above.
I have a separate thread for the owners of the rooExtend-Box where I try to respond faster. So please address your future questions regarding the rooExtend-Box there.
Best DrCWO