rooAIDJ - Chat-based AI for Roon

Bing (chat gpt 4) doesn’t exactly excel itself !

Here are 10 songs that would be suitable for Sunday morning listening:

  1. “Dance, Dance, Dance” by Lykke Li
  2. “Sunday Morning” by Maroon 5
  3. “Sunday Morning Coming Down” by Johnny Cash
  4. “Sunday Morning” by No Doubt
  5. “Sunday Morning” by The Velvet Underground
  6. “Sunday Morning” by Earth, Wind & Fire
  7. “Sunday Morning” by K-OS
  8. “Sunday Morning” by Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra
  9. “Sunday Morning” by The Bolshoi
  10. “Sunday Morning” by The Standells

I hope you enjoy them! Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.



Lol I probed it for more specific things, like please suggest 15 songs of similar type and genre to X by Y

It would only give me 5 and I kept hounding it to do better than those 5 because they weren’t really related.

In the end it said “let’s please move on, please start a new chat on a new topic”.

And it wouldn’t budge. Funny and annoying.

Spotify’s AI is still king when it comes to finding and suggesting similar music.

A good hint. I’ve fallen into this trap too. You end up in an argumentation loop from which there is no escape :wink:

I realize that I have to deal with the AI differently than I have been used to with a computer.

Here’s how I approached the Sunday morning music issue from @William:

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning, the sun is just rising, the birds are chirping in the forest, and the wind is gently rustling through the leaves. Could you please put together some suitable music for this mood?

Here the result:

I’ve been listening to exactly these pieces for a good half hour now. I am more than satisfied with the selection!


This just happens automatically? I was wondering why I didn’t see it!!

Automatic at night between 2AM and 4AM.
You can also trigger it by hand if you open your browser at the IP address of rooExtend. You find it at the lower end of the License Manager dialog in Roon Settings/Extensions.

Best DrCWO

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Darko featured rooAIDJ :smile: :smile: :smile:


The bing AI is, well…


Just installed rooAIDJ on Apple TV which is great. In the settings are items named Freezing, Cold, Medium, Warm and Hot. Can me pls someone explain what this means and does?

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Great to see Darko doing a video of this and mentioning some of your other extensions.

I hope it leads to more business for you and then improved products for me :grinning:



Freezing is the best choice I think. It makes it easier to interpret the ChartGPT output for Roon.

Best DrCWO


Of course it worked as advertised! I didn’t know extensions could update themselves, nice play!

I asked for 10 fun alternative songs from the 80’s as my first run, it did well (predictable). We’ll have to see how to prompt it for more unusual suggestions.

I thought surely Bing couldn’t be that bad, and I tried it and got almost the identical list. I have been trying to give Bing a chance. I went over to OpenAI and used ChatGPT 4 and even one of the plugins and it really struggled, as bad if not worse than Bing. It kept matching words exactly in the prompt. I think there is a real opening for a tuned AI music chat recommender!!

So I opened up the prompt a bit and finally got some better results. Makes me think Valence isn’t so bad after all!

Please list songs that are inspired by the ocean, that feel like a cool fall day. Songs that warm the heart and bring a steady smile but are mellow

Sure, I can definitely help with that. Here are a few songs that seem to fit the criteria you’re looking for:

  1. “Beyond The Sea” by Bobby Darin: This is a classic song that feels timeless and reminds us of the ocean. It’s upbeat but has a mellow undertone that feels warm and comforting.

  2. “The Ocean” by Led Zeppelin: This song definitely carries a strong ocean theme. It has an energetic rock beat, but the rhythm and lyrics bring a mellow, contemplative vibe.

  3. “Ocean Eyes” by Billie Eilish: This is a soothing, beautiful song with a mellow vibe that feels like a cool fall day.

  4. “Into the Mystic” by Van Morrison: This song carries a strong oceanic theme, with Morrison’s soulful voice and the warm instrumentation giving it a comforting, mellow vibe.

  5. “Surf’s Up” by The Beach Boys: The Beach Boys are known for their beach-themed music, and this song is no exception. It has a mellow, introspective feel.

  6. “Banana Pancakes” by Jack Johnson: Although not directly about the ocean, the song’s laid-back, beachy vibe and lyrics about a cozy day spent indoors fit the request for a song that’s heartwarming and mellow.

  7. “Holocene” by Bon Iver: This song doesn’t directly reference the ocean, but its peaceful, contemplative sound could be reminiscent of a cool fall day at the beach.

  8. “Seaweed” by Mount Eerie: This indie folk song carries an oceanic theme and a melancholic, mellow vibe.

  9. “Oceans” by Pearl Jam: This song has a strong oceanic theme and a grunge sound that can be both warming and mellow.

  10. “Song to the Siren” by This Mortal Coil: This hauntingly beautiful song has an oceanic theme and a mellow, contemplative feel.

Remember, music is highly subjective, so what might feel like a cool fall day to one person might not to another. I’d recommend giving these songs a listen and seeing which ones resonate with you the most.

My favorite part of this video was when he corrected the AI on which album a song was from!!

@DrCWO - I think a good feature addition in the settings is a Prompt Default box that will add some text it every query. You can default in recommended text like “Please always return songs in the format of Song Name followed by Artist name”. But I think some experimenting from us users could come up with some good prompt language “You are a DJ with a vast library of records, you mix in some popular songs but also obscure less known songs and artists”. I think you get the idea. Having it as a default will improve the experience out of the box.

Second Feature Request - near the Quick Play (not sure why this button doesn’t just say Play), I would like a check box to toggle Add to Queue vs Replace Queue assuming that is possible. Let’s say I have 3 songs left on queue, I don’t want them to go away, just have the new batch added to the end. Either a setting in the main UI or in the setting panel. Thank you!


Yes sometimes there’s something useful in a Darko video and this was a good pickup by him.

And something that could be a really default in rooAIDJ

I experimented a lot with prompts like “always add the artist” and a lot of others. ChatGPT said it understood but with the next output the artist was again missing. This thing is some kind of stupid. It probably will improve with ChatGPT-4 some day.

I am sure @Klaus_Engel will pick up all those ideas. He is quite busy at the moment as he moves into his new home. So please be patient.

Best DrCWO


updated my R PI 3 to 2.3.2 - my Dial and Watch extensions are working fine after adding licenses, but the RooAIDJ is not showing a place for me to enter the code I purchased. (Wait overnight as per above or am I missing a step?)

System state rooExtend release: v2.3.2
Device type: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3
IP number:
Internet connected: Yes
CD drive: –
TV Screen: MJI-marantz-AV
Uptime: 13 min

You must use the ARMv8 image v3.1.4 as a start. V2.x.x has no OTA upgrade.

Best DrCWO

Sorry- going crazy here- on
I don’t see ARMv8 image v3.1.4 as a start–
Which one to get? Can you send link. Sorry I’m losing hours here…