I’m having troubles getting RooExtend working on my pi5
I’ve just flashed a new sd card using belenaEtcher and put it in a pi 5.
The light almost immediately turns to constant green when powered up. No ip and nothing in Roon extensions. I’ve tried two separate downloads of v3.3.3 and two sd cards, all have the same result. I know the pi5 is ok, as I had WireGuard VPN running on it.
The quick installation guide shows ‘For all Pis from 2 Mod.B v1.2 to Pi5’ so I guess it should work. Not for me though
Thank you—this is exactly what I was hoping for (the ability to one-click already made presets) but didn’t do a good job of expressing it. Looking forward to this extension!
The answer is YES
On my list is to finish rooMax fro the XenceLabs Quick Keys, after that rework rooDial with the second layer.
If these both things are out I will start working to integrate Spotify-Connect into rooPlay. I don’t expect big issues here but issues always come digging deep.
i have some trouble with the HDMI output in connection with a switch. I bought a 10 inch display mit HDMI input and it works flawless if connected directly to the RPi4. But I have to use more than one source and here the issue starts. The display will not be recognized. I tried different cables and different sources. All work well, except rooExtend.
I have done some research and found out that the Raspberry 4 only enables HDMI by default if it detects a display.
Could you please add the following two lines to the /boot/config.txt (config.txt on the boot partition) to force the HDMI output to be always on?
This will probably increase heat and cpu load, not sure I want this with Rooextend regular version as I am using it only as streamer and roodial controller at the moment.
Just checked on Rooplay as I have my turntable and CD player directly connected to my preamp, so I didn’t have a need for Rooplay. 67usd seems a bit too high for me just to get a Spotify connect option. Any way to get a separate license, otherwise I can get a second RPI4 for that price?
That’s fair, but personally I would prefer to listen to my vinyl collection without digitizing it first.
Assume this is a “no” on the separate Spotify connect license for people who don’t need the full Rooplay package?