rooExtend – The easy start with Roon Extensions

Is not :+1:
Spotify connect will become a new Roon Extension not part of rooPlay.

Great, must have misunderstood earlier :slight_smile:
thanks for confirming

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:exclamation::exclamation:Watch the first draft video on rooMax:exclamation::exclamation:

Best DrCWO


Looking good, reminds me a bit of using the Logitech g13, albeit in a different form factor. If I was using this I think it would be useful to confirm/deny the next song suggestion in Roon Radio mode,but this would mean also seeing the song name,which is probably too complicated.
Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

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I have 4 rooExtend boxes with wired connections. 2 coonected to ADI 2/4s, one to a Benchmark 3, and one to a Laive Harmony. The issue I’m having is that Roon seems to randomly detect the boxes and others remain offline. Or sporadically come online. I’ve rebooted many times. I don’t have any other issues with network connections on any other devices.

What am I doing wrong??

Thank you!!

Sounds to me like possible network issues.

Do you have them on the same subnet? Are they all on the same switch? Are they using dynamic or static IPs? Do you have any network contention issues? e.g. networking - Switch caused problems to the network - Super User

In my case, I discovered through my own testing that the way I was connecting switches was causing some packet loss which led to instability in streaming audio. RAAT and other real-time protocols are more susceptible to network LAN issues. YMMV

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Am trying to get this MiniDSP product to work with rooPlay. It says it is Class 2 audio and is compatible with Linux.
I have plugged into into a USB hub which is plugged into the rooExtend box USB port. When I look at the rooPlay settings there is no option for Audio Interface. I have restarted the rooExtend box after USB is plugged in and resarted Roon.

OK. So, I got rooPlay to recognize the device. I had it attached through a USB hub. I removed the hub and connectedt he device directly to the USB port of the RooExtend Box. However, now I cannot get it to play and cannot get it to creaat a radio station. It has a single output and I used the following URL (http://[IP number]/audio/?playbackSource=interface&interfaceSampleRate=48000), inputing the correct IP number in place of [EP number]. But i get an error back that it cannot “find radio station at this URL”. I was successful at setting up the roonPlay station for Bluetooth.

Hi @Jeffrey_Robbins,
I apologize for my late reply but I’m in the middle of moving from Salzgitter back to Fürth where I lived before. So much work so I was out the complete last week :cold_sweat:

If the steamer is USB Audio Class 2 it should work also with a USB HUB. Please make sure you use a self powered HUB with it’s own power supply.

It would be helpful for me to see the Sound interface debug output. You find it if you open a browser and ether the IP-Number of your rooExtend-Box. At the bottom of the displayed page you see this button. Click it and please e-mail the content to


It is the same IP-number you have to enter for the Radio Station setting.

Best DrCWO

One more thing. You must input a valid TOSLINK signal during setup of the Radio station with exactly the sample rate you specified in your URL.

  • Can the default radio station be created?
  • you should be able to run it using the settings dialog.

Best DrCWO

Correct. That was the problem (not starting the stream before creating the station). I started playing the stream and now the radio station can recognize it. However, unlike the station I created for Airplay (using rooPlay), this radio station doesn’t start automatically when I start the stream. Is there a way to have the radio station start when I start the stream? I’d like to be able to just start sonos playing and have the radio station start playing (like it does with Airplay to rooExtend).

Hi Jeffrey,
Playback via iPhone and CD the Radio Station starts manually.
There is no autoplay for a ADC or TSLINK input.

Maybe it helps if you put the Radio Station into your favorite Radio Stations list
so you can easily find and start it quickly.

With the new rooMax controller (I currently work on it) you will be able to assign
Radio Stations to a button which eases handling even more.

Preview on rooMax: Use XenceLabs Quick keys for Roon - Audio Gear Talk / rooExtend - Roon Labs Community

Best DrCWO

What is the normal operating temp for you people running a RPI4?

I have an acrylic case with holes but no fan or heatsinks. My room temperature is 29 degrees Celsius at the moment. I have the pi vertically, which drops the temp by approx. 2 degrees. Using it to stream and having roodial and 2’extensions running.
The temperature is 59.6 and if I stop the playback falls to 56 degrees.
I see that normal operating temperature is anything below 85, with no throttling below 60.
Any reasons for worrying?
I don’t want a metal case for better bt connectivity but I could put some heatsinks if it matters.

Using a metal case you should use the ZEXMTE BT adapter with the two antennas.

The current processor temperature is displayed in the system settings of the rooExtend License Manager.

I recommend getting a FLIRC metal case and the antenna. It’s never good to run electronics in the highest allowed region. This will probably decrease its lifetime.

Best DrCWO

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I have e metal case - doubles as heatsync with thermal coupling pads on chips/case + external BT Dongle with antenna.
Pi Temp


:exclamation::exclamation: Looking for rooMax Betatesters :exclamation::exclamation:

Hi out there,
I’m well on my way with rooMax, my new Roon extension for the Xencelabs Quick Keys Controller.

Some of you already bought the device awaiting my rooMax implementation. I already published a draft video on how rooMax will look and feel.

Now it’s time to gather some volunteer beta testers for rooMax :+1: :+1:
But there are some requirements to participate as a beta tester:

  • You must be willing to support me :grin:
  • You must own a QuickKeys device :money_mouth_face:
  • You should own a Pi4 with an Ethernet connection where you can easily connect the wireless USB dongle. :computer:
  • The Pi 4 must run the latest rooExtend v3.3.3 :+1:
  • You should find time for testing and reporting errors and ideas for improvements :pray:

As before, I will offer a discount on the lifetime license.

Please quote this post so I can collect your usernames. Soon I will set up a private thread for the test and invite you to join.

Best DrCWO


@DrCWO I’d be happy to be a beta tester.

@DrCWO I’d be happy to be a beta tester.

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I would like to Beta test

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Write me up, @DrCWO. Let’s see what you cooked up. :slight_smile:

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