rooMax – Best wireless Roon remote ever!

Doh - I didn’t even think to use the same rpi for both the dial and the max… thanks for fixing my ID10T moment…

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Hi guys,
as announced I will withdraw the Beta Tester License Key today.

So please be prepared using the Beta Tester License Key rooMax will not work any more during the next days.

Best DrCWO


Was there a resolution of the playlist list issue? I can see my Tidal and Qobuz playlists but not my Roon saved play lists. I ran a backup and got no error.

Still limited to 100 entries :cold_sweat:

One way to achieve this is to run RoonCommandLine somewhere on your network and create a webhook that calls the script as follows:

/usr/local/bin/roon -z "Your Zone Name" -p "Your Playlist Name" -c shuffle

That way you can play any playlist (or album for that matter) in your library, shuffled or not – and conveniently add it to a button in rooMax.

Is this offered within the Extension Manager?

I wouldn’t know (don’t currently use the extension manager). @Ronald_Record is the creative genius behind RoonCommandLine – I bet he knows. :slight_smile:

Hi, no, RoonCommandLine is not managed by roon-extension-manager.

What a shame :cold_sweat:
Should be possible to build a Docker for the Extension manager.

Any volunteers here?

Best DrCWO

I’m not sure this makes sense. Unlike most other extensions, RoonCommandLine only connects to the Roon Core when an API request is made. It is not a persistent service, say like an extension accepting API requests for a Roon remote. A docker container for RoonCommandLine doesn’t provide any additional functionality and stopping/starting the container wouldn’t do anything useful other than make the commands available in the container. So I just do not see any good reason to containerize RoonCommandLine. However, I am always open to suggestion and improvements if someone can enlighten me with regards Extension management.

I’m on a Mac so installing this command-line tool was pretty easy for me. IMHO, like @Ronald_Record suggests above, it only makes sense if it’s installed directly on the computer you are working on. So if you’re working in a terminal environment you can just issue a command to start a playlist or whatever. (If a command-line tool is a bit too bare-bones for you, maybe look at the similar tool roon-tui - it’s a bit more visual.)

I like this because I’m trying really hard to reduce distractions in my work computer environment - which for me includes the Roon app. That’s one of the good things for me with rooMax. And I do use the terminal fairly often in my work. That’s how old I am! :slight_smile:

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@DrCWO and @Gary_Crouse - was there something you had to change to get roon playlists to show up in rooMax – I have no where near 100 playlists (a lot less than 100) but rooMax only shows playlists from Tidal and Qobuz - I think its showing self created and tidal/qubuz created playlists… however, a playlist i just created in roon against my own flac files will not show up in the rooMax playlist dropdown…


One of my beta testers also encountered this strange behavior at first glance. As far as I remember a reboot of the Roon Core and after that a restart of rooExtend fixed it.
There were other reports, but all of them were about the maximum number of 100 playlist entries.

Please try.
Best DrCWO

@DrCWO had a weird one today…no host detected so remote wouldn’t connect. No extension running. No restart/reboot command button in the web interface that was still running but I shut down, pulled the plug and reconnected ok. Also lost the lic entry for roomax that I had to re enter.

Shutting down and reboot will delete the system log :cold_sweat:
If you encounter that strange behavior again please don’t shut down and send me the system log.

Best DrCWO

There were a lot of lost connection to or some similar message

Internet issue, bad cable or whatever. Brobably no connection to the Sellcodes and the licenses could not be granted.

You should check the Internet connectivity of your Raspberry Pi WiFi?

Best DrCWO

Not sure we had any issues but shouldn’t it recover…I could access the web interface but the unit had no extensions detected in roon

It tries on five consecutive days and if the fifth fails the licenses get deactivated. Please think about how to improve the internet connectivity of your device…

I have a very robust WiFi network - I’m a networking specialist by vocation (retired) and many rpi on the network with other of your extensions that are all fine…beats me as was working fine the last few days after buying the lic