rooMax – Best wireless Roon remote ever!

so I have cleared roon core cache, restarted roon core, restarted rooextend rpi box and still no joy. rooMax only sees my playlists that i have favorited or created in tidal and qobuz - none of my roon playlists show up in your dropdown…

any other suggestions?

Roon will recreate the folder - I actually renamed the folder instead of deleting it just in case…

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Thanks for the help @Gary_Crouse -

so just rename this folder (stop roon, rename, restart)?:

Should I suspect to have to revoke then re-enable all the extensions?


I’m confused by the pricing. I see only a $75 option. Is that the annual or lifetime? I am interested in lifetime and while nearing the end of the PayPal process I do t see any option other then $75. If this isn’t the lifetime price, what is the cost of a lifetime sub? Thanks.

i think it just worked. it has nothing to do with the extensions.
Yes stop, rename, restart.

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Great, so you know what a “ping” command is :+1:
rooExtend pings (Ccloudfare DNS) on a regular time intervals to check if internet is available. If the ping ended unsuccessful you get the entry in the log that cannot be reached. As Cloudfare DNS is nearly always available the reason for the unsuccessful ping must be between rooExtend and Cloudfare. This what I meant with network issue. :wink:

Hi @Toolio,
the 75$ is the price for the lifetime license.

Currently I don’t offer a recurring license as I have to get some money for the development. Recurring will come but not too soon.

Best DrCWO

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No, just rename the folder and see if it works now.

Thanks for the quick response,

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@DrCWO I think you might have done it again :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I have recently built a new listening room and I think I might be forced to move a Nuimo there and put a Quick Keys in my office.

The extra feature of the Quick Keys will be great for the office and the Nuimo is better suited to the conservatory system.

Looks like you have done really good work once again


No reported outages on my network or router so not sure why this is happening
Another rpi right beside it on the same network has this too but more of them…

maybe you should increase the timeout on the pings as some countries might have different round trips

Try to ping your Roon core instead of you can change the ping address in the settings of the License Manager. If the issue persists it‘s your WiFi :wink:

Thanks for the information @Gary_Crouse and @DrCWO - however, it does not appear to work in my setup.

I stopped all devices and dockers, changed the folder name, started up roon then the extensions… it will only show my custom and favorited Tidal playlists…

and this does not appear related only to rooMax. I use macro.on extension and it too is only showing the tidal playlists so its related to my roon setup…

not motivated to put in a support thread as roon takes “years” to respond…

thanks again,

You could try the nuclear option and reset (or rename) the database and see if the playlists work then. That worked for me but I didn’t like losing all my tags, favorites, etc so I restored from a backup and explored other options. The api directory was a guess since roomax uses the api to get the list.

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OK, that’s the end of my support options. Unfortunately I can’t help you any further here…

Best DrCWO


Just bought:
Roomax licence
RooExtend box with included SD card

Now my question: in the user manual of the rooextend box there is standing a info: if the sd card is removed then the garantie is void.
How can i change the sd card in the rooextend box with the image of the card image?
Best pablo

Hi Pablo,
the rooExtend-Box is a ready to run product. This means the SD-Card is already in the rooExtend-Box and you only have to power it on :+1:

After boot open Roon and select Settings/Extensions to see the License Manager of rooExtend. You can see the release there, should be v3.2.0.

The rooExtend-Box needs a software upgrade to v3.4.2 to support rooMax.
You either wait for one night for the Auto-Update or force an update. How to do this is also describe in the manual.

Best DrCWO

Firmware is installed; how you can install the licence key?

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I just set up my QuickKeys with RooMax. I love it!

One question: I assume it’s not possible (without a webhook) to assign a key to a library view such as “Albums” or a genre like “Jazz”? It would be cool if that was possible, particularly if used in conjunction with the shuffle function to play music.

I plan to integrate RoonCommandLine by @Ronald_Record in the rooExtend image. If this will work I plan to add one more function type called “Command” where you can enter a play command for Jazz for example.
This will open a broader spectrum to assign different things to a button.

Best DrCWO