Roon 1.4 Feedback

Sorry to disagree, Dirac is well known with their strong partner programs but not innovative anymore, expensive, and not Roon-friendly. Not innovative as their automated-filter generation hasn’t changed for years and is only does amplitude+phase correction, expensive as a license costs almost 400€, not Roon-friendly as convolution as to be done in a proprietary driver on a Mac or Windows PC, which has become buggy over time (good luck to you if you want to make it work at the first try on a recent Windows 10 PC, I gave up). Also you simply can’t IP-stream !

I worked for a while with a miniDSP, the issue being the limitations in taps (forget about sharp frequency rejection in the low end for the spectrum) and just OK DAC or I2S streaming quality, discounting their products in a high end system.

The future in my view with Room Correction Filter Generators such as REW/REPHASE (Free), Acourate or HAF, that can seamlessly be implemented in Roon Convolution Engine, which has become very efficient in the last months. As we speak, HAF is the most advanced with advanced corrections not done by Dirac. I know I am off topic here but we speak of all this in the following threads. @danny mentioned they are thinking of integrated a correction filter generation capability to Roon on day (a microphone will be needed).