Roon 1.4 Feedback

Just dipping my feet in, but so far seeing things I expect to like.

I’d (mostly) gotten used to the model where the queue’s ephemeral, but I’d still have these occasional incidents where the whole queue would get blown away by a play operation (either a slip on my part or lack of knowledge on the part of a guest) and if what was lost had been curated with care curses would be bellowed to the heavens and I’d wish for an undo button.

I don’t think I ever actually asked for an undo button, because it seemed inelegant, not the Roon Way. I hoped you’d somehow come up with a better model which somehow gave me the functionality undo would’ve without being an ugly user interface wart.

You did it! I just hit “play now” on some stuff while things remained in a queue, and instead of the tracks I’d had in the queue being vaporized, they just got rolled up and marked as “skipped”. Bravo. This is (as I’ve come to expect from you) a way better model than I’d been able to think up to ask for.

Oh, and it’s cute that tracks in the Queue are now tagged with who added them.


Hi Brian,

Thanks for replying, any idea why i’m getting these messages after the last update then, when trying to play a dsf file? Like i said, i’m beginning to feel a little stupid not getting it to work… :confused:

This is a known issue…we found it today. A fix is coming soon.

We’ve actually always had one…but you only get about 10 seconds. It’s for mistaken "play now"s, but doesn’t really cover “guests doing badness”. I agree the new model is much better :slight_smile:

One of the key ideas behind “Skipped Tracks” is that those groups are places that you would be likely to go back to after a mistake (even a mistake noticed late). The back button behavior is also oriented towards getting you back to where you were.

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Now… all this attention to the Queue reminds me of functionality I’ve wanted: some sort of integration between the Queue and Internet Radio. However modeled, there are some distinct things I’d like to be able to do:

  • Start playing an Internet Radio URL after a certain track finishes (a certain other system I used for years allowed external stream URLs to be queued up just like tracks)
  • Start playing an Internet Radio URL at a set time (on a set day, etc, with the usual desire for one-off and repeating schedules and the expected zone/group scheduling complications if scheduling something for the future)
  • Stop playing an Internet Radio URL at a given time - either going to silence or resuming play from the Queue

Now… I fully realize that the Roon folks rushed out the current Internet Radio feature in a rudimentary form so that there could at least be some support of that essential form of functionality. I’m grateful for that, and not complaining that it exists in its current form - just talking about what I’d love to see it possible to do as the team are discussing a future integration.

Oh, and… I continue to think that the word “radio” should refer to what Roon now calls Internet Radio, and that Roon’s smart shuffle magic should get some other word.


I thought I read something elsewhere for this further back in this thread

Now updated iPad and is working as expected.

Thank you @mike.

Delete Roon and dowmload 1.4 manually from the app store. Auto updates on IOS can lag a few days.

Great update. Some really useful features have been added.

I’d have liked MQA software decode, but I know we’ve been told that it’ll be coming soon.

Thanks for the great update :blush:
Is it possible that Roon sounds better than ever? At least it does to my old ears :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It certainly does in my ears too and not by so little.

I like the new features but i do have an issue with the iOS app on my iPhone X. When i have Roon active and switch off, when i switch on again Roon has freezed. No button works and you have to close the app. If you close (bottom up swipe) the app before switching off there is no problem.

I a next update it would be great if the DSP can be switched off automatically when playing MQA. This should not be very difficult since Roon knows when it is playing MQA tracks.

Thanks Roon Team! :sunny:

I like the more streamlined UI, the zone switching and the iOS playback. I was hoping Internet Radio improvement, new streaming partners and MQA support.

I think, this is too much to ask… but you guys worked hard and deserve a happy holiday! Hope 2018 will get us excited!

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I’m such a sucker for a placebo that I deeply mistrust my SQ judgment. But I’ve been enjoying listening to 1.4, even though a network Zone (microRendu) shouldn’t be as sensitive to optimisation SQ as a direct connection.

It would be interesting to hear from the users who were comparing Roon to other players (Audivarna and others) if they think 1.4 has made any difference.

The release notes refer to various CPU optimisations, especially with streaming content, so those are things that could make an SQ difference.

We’ve also optimized the RAAT implementation in the Core to minimize CPU usage and context switching during streaming. On the endpoint side, there some optimizations in Roon, Roon Server and Roon Bridge that reduce timing variability when passing audio buffers to device drivers.


Yes, there is a difference to my ears - for the better.

Now would be the time for those that preferred A+ over Roon (SQ that is - absolutely not UI), to come back and re-try Roon…

Time for Brian to put out his Bat signal :slight_smile:



I’d be curious about this as well. I’ve compared A+ (latest version) to Roon and A+ and they both sound the same to me. I would love for some of those that hear differences to detail what they’re hearing so I could listen for those same differences. I also wonder if their signal path and/or equipment is the factor, as opposed to Roon itself.

Yes interesting the slight positive refinement on SQ is the first thing I thought I was hearing on first play and was after reading the release notes but before reading any comments on here and with no expectations SQ was going to change
Puzzling since the various changes made no mention of this other than the RAAT optimisations pointed out. Whatever the case happy days! Great work again Roon.


I actually tried to trick my dad’s old ears and told him there was something wrong with v1.4 and it sounded worse… he doesn’t read these forums. Anyway he called me later and said I need to have my hearing checked because he found SQ improved… the cheeky bugger :rofl:


Hard to say but overall a bit clearer with sharper detail. I’ve had my KEF Wireless DSP set up for a more damped room whereas now I will tweak it to a more lively setting
All in the ear of the beholder of course…

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“I find comments like yours are an attempt (probably accidental and unintentional) to shutdown opinion…”
So when you have an opinion, or a rant, it’s okay. But when people have an opinion about your opinion it’s an attempt to “shutdown opinion.” If you don’t want to hear what people think of your post (which was a little difficult to decipher) don’t post. There was no intent whatsoever on my part to shut down opinion. I was merely suggesting that if you are fed up with Tidal, as you indicated, there was no requirement to use it with Roon. You said: “I’m seriously fed up of Tidal now and it appears we are stuck with it for, well, who knows how long.”