Roon 1.4 Feedback

I knew there was an advantage to only having daughters ! They just roll their eyes at anything audio related. No tomfoolery.


Hahaha fair comment Andy. But I did buy him his Roon lifetime membership, Roon Core and endpoints. Gotta take the good with the bad :smile:

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Not bad for an old iPad as a transport! :smiley:


I noticed this too - only seems to be visible behind the album art ‘area’ as the line white and the same colour as the menu backgrounds etc.

Its right at the very top of the display.

Getting 96kHz on my Drafpgonfly Red DAC, too. Very enjoyable. There are a few player apps for iOS that allow higher-than-48 playback from network sources such as NASs. But this is so much better.

Oh, boy. Just spotted that we can now ungroup the tracks that were previously played as Works. Thank you!!

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Hi Roon Community Fellows,

I just came home after another hospital visit (Tuesday to Tuesday)!
The 7 or 8 visit since I got sick, the first time in pneumonia on my both lungs, it’s been one or two weeks on each visit!
So it’s been a hard year for me, but I have my music :+1:.
Unfortunately not Roon :pensive:.
So this time it’s been harder than usual, just be able to reading about the 1.4 version and not trying and testing it for real, that’s have sucked!

But now I’m back home and updated to the 1.4 version and started to playing and enjoying the music :notes:.

It’s a lot of different things in the 1.4 version on the functions on my iPad remote, I have only looked true it, so I will check out everything closely later!
Check if it’s making something with the sound, and if it’s sounding like before or hopefully something that makes it a little better! (Even if I’m satisfied with the sound that Roon playing, as it was before or completely satisfied is much better)!

I have reading some of that other thinking about, the new 1.4 version.
But it’s not so easy to get everything, when you’re not able to see, testing and listening by yourself!
So please write and tell me, what you have discovered is better or not so great!

L&R Anders


Hi Anders, welcome back !

I found the changes to the Queue to change the way I use Roon. I often used to play an album and then listen to Radio. Now I make selections from a few albums and shift them around or shuffle them. The grouping of skipped songs in the Queue is such an elegant way to handle things; I had no idea that it was what I wanted.

Also the Radio algorithim.


Bit-perfect play back ONLY through supported DAC. All high res files will be downsampled when played via iOS built in speakers or headphone out.

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Hi Andrew and thanks for your welcome home,

Thanks for your tips it’s sounds as a great improvement.

L&R Anders

Now being able to drag the queue songs up or down :+1:

Even after a song has been played I can go and drag it back down into the current queue, in any order I want :+1:

The Volume controls are so much better (safer) with a lot more control. Still not 100% sure what the difference between the limiting is, but will have another read and hopefully it will become clearer (edit, had another read and think I’ve got it now, so much diversity in the volume controls now) :+1:

Do I hear a change in the SQ, I’ll need to do a lot more listening (only just got home from work 1 hour ago), but with 1 or 2 songs there’s something there that don’t think was there before :thinking:

PS, Sorry I meant to say before ‘A BIG THANK YOU’ to the Roon team (all of you, from top to bottom) :+1::+1:

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Okay, now I see that if you uninstall the 1.3 app, the 1,4 app appears in the AppStore.

1.4 sounds exactly the same to me, using Squeezebox streaming. But that could be expectation bias as it’s exactly what I would expect!

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I will update my Roon later as soon i’m back from work. I’m looking forward…but in the release notes i cannot see the possibility to add song lyrics manually.
Has been implemented? Is it so ‘‘hard’’ to implement?


I think Roon has understated the importance of this. In my system I can hear a very positive effect.


How do you ungroup, I seem to be missing what seems intuitive to the rest of you!


In Zones. Top right corner. Group Zones. Do you see it?

On the album you want to ungroup …

Edit Album
Scroll all the way to the bottom
Click ‘Disable Multi-Part Compositions On This Album’

The best thing about the release hidden in the furthest corner!! :sunglasses:

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I’ve not noticed anything but I’ve hardly been listening through what I’d term hi-fi (I’ve never heard changes in SQ between versions of Roon, even when listening via Hi-Fi and/ or a good can setup). If there’s something this time due to RAAT optimisations who knows, but I suspect using a SB for transport you’re not using RAAT in the same way a Roon Bridge or Roon enabled endpoint would.

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Great update, thanks for that. My favourites are the multipart-track-disabling (if that’s even a word), the new radio algorithm and the new design of the play-button-area. Great work.

Still there are a few things I really would apreciate.
First of all there seems to be no real album shuffle available. If you click “shuffle” in the album view, Roon picks one random song, then another and another. Not much difference to the shuffle in the track view as far as I can see. I really would love a shuffle mode, where Roon picks one random album, plays it from the first to the last track, and then - when done - jumps to another random album, plays the tracks from 1 to xx, jumps to another random album …
Or do I miss something?

Second: I would love this “Now playing”-button (as it is in the queue section right now) in the playlists. Let’s say you play a playlist in shuffle-mode and listen to a song you would like to remove from this playlist. Then you have to search for it in the playlist (sure, you can do it with the filter). One click at the now-playing-button would lead you directly to the song.

Just my two cents. But again: I’m really satisfied with the update.