Roon 1.7 Feedback Thread

It was on revelance

Love was when I loved Roon
Once a monthly subscription I’d hold to
In my lifetime subscription we’ll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
On your network the heart does go on

Once more Roon opens the door
New releases here in my heart
Every Friday my heart will go on


You mean I should manually add it? Not fun. I thought it’s Roon’s work.

Yes, of course. But they’re not composers. They’re performers, vocalists. And Roon knows every performer for each track but doesn’t show them. That’s the problem. Before 1.7 I could see them in album view under the track title.

So you can start Radio with a track from your library and Roon will never return to your library again? Can that be true? Seems to be based on about 8 hours of streaming. That’s nuts, first big step backward I have ever seen Roon make if it’s true.

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Is your example album identified by Roon? If not, then there are only the file tags that Roon can use/show.

Whilst I was generally a little underwhelmed by the content of the “New releases for you” section, I’m loving the “Recommended for you” listings on albums - in fact, I’m struggling not to get carried away with adding albums :grinning:

Oh, and I’m also really loving the speed increase, even when using my aging Nexus 10 tablet!


I split my time between two countries, so I log out of one core and login to the other when I switch locations. My library wasn’t in great shape at the current location, with lots of missing album art that I intended to fix. However, many albums in my library that had no art seem to suddenly have gained it with 1.7. Does that make sense, or am I imagining this?

Not saying this is ideal or even convenient but I did this:
From main menu --> Composers --> Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart --> Sort by Title, then scroll down the list of Compositions (in sets of 50). Have fun finding it in Tidal. :open_mouth:

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Yes, it is album from TIdal identified by Roon. And actually I’ve tried to reidentify it with three different versions with the same result.

That’s how I see these tracks in Tidal:

And no additional performers in Roon:

I think Roon should provided more information about my music, not less.

The resembling problem is with a lot of EPs of remixes which Roon also identifies but showing the same title for all EP tracks without additional title of each remix which I can see in Tidal.

You need to wait for new metadata updates… albums in your library get updated over time – not a lot of time, but they do take some time.


Wow! Thanks! Hope to see the same view soon.

But that’s my point, it’s hopeless if you have a streaming service - in my case Qobuz - because Roon gives not only performances of the complete work but also performances of just a movement, so these latter swamp the results. This is even worse for opera where you want a complete work and get all the recital CDs that contain just an aria.

I can’t understand how Roon can claim to understand classical music. They quite correctly identify the whole composition, but then can’t retrieve performances of it without jumbling them up with excerpts.


So, at first glance 1.7 seems to be what 1.6 should have been. Glad to have that disaster behind me. Some cool new stuff like the suggestions and the new releases.

Still have to try out radio (the autoplay one, not the streaming radio one).

Search is still the same mess though :disappointed: only with even more superfluous stuff. Come on @danny , fix that thing, will you? All this “relevance” is irrelevant and just plain annoying.

New Roon user here… I began my 14-day trial less than a month ago. Five days into the trial I knew I had to have this (Roon) way of enjoying and exploring music, so I bit the bullet and purchased a Nucleus, plus a lifetime subscription. Was just getting used to v1.6 and then pleasantly surprised with the 1.7 update only a few weeks later! Not enough critical listening done in the last day or so to say with any certainty whether I can attribute a SQ improvement to the 1.7 update in my system, but it sure sounds great whether direct (USB to DAC) from the Nucleus, or via microRendu endpoints in two other rooms - and as others have already posted, the speed improvements were immediately noticed, especially when adding albums (I only have ~200 ripped albums, but also subscribe to both TIDAL and Qobuz).

The major SQ upgrade for me came when I upgraded to Nucleus after temporarily running the core on my old (and overworked) headless 2011 Mac-Mini home automation server during the trial period. It didn’t even take a single track of music to hear the difference. At that point there was no looking back. Anyway, great work, and many thanks to the Roon team for a fine update to the system!


ROON …thank you . You are spoiling us now. Great upgrade to an already fantastic product.

What a pity. Looks like it’s more use to Tidal’s marketing team than me. Why on earth can’t Roon continue to prioritise OUR music…not someone else’s. I love discovering stuff in my collection that I haven’t heard for ages … why is Roon unable to use my data?

This doesn’t bode well for my search question above.


Seems like you would know what music you have purchased but might not be aware of stuff you’ve never even heard of.

That depends…there have been quite a few random ebay CDs turn up on the doorstep in the past. Clearly ordered during some late night, wine-fueled, listening session :wink:

I understand that some functionality requires a critical mass of data to work well with but I think the Roon team might have made a less polar decision about this and taken into account large home collections.


It does seem like it would be good if Roon could include your music in the search for stuff you might like. I don’t have any music of my own, so it’s Tidal and Qobuz or radio.