Roon 1.8 arrives on February 9th

Yes me too. I get the iPad out especially for focus mode so I would love to see that improved
I think most users would


God yes, they need all the same features on mobile. I am sure it must with the change of layout. Will be disappointed if not.

Well hopefully they can iterate towards it through a series of builds.
This looks like a new foundation for the UI so I am very hopeful, though not holding my breath for feature parity in this release

Damn, I hope they’re leaving some surprises for Roon Radio 1.8. I like the local library stuff (the new Focus looks great) but the radio is what initially attracted me to Roon and it’s the feature that I really see a lot of potential for massive improvement. I’m already fairly satisfied with everything else.

At this point the iPhone app is so bad that I wouldn’t care if they stripped it down to a bare-bones remote control that worked from the lock screen. I need to be able to see what’s playing and pause and change volume and skip tracks in a split second much more than I need to have all of desktop Roon crammed into a tiny screen.


All of the new stuff is in the mobile apps too :+1:


It’s not local library stuff its global stuff, alll the features work for music not in your library as well. Discovery is so much easier and more powerful as a result of the new tools. I assume Radio will take advantage of this tool. All recommendations are based on your listening habits, library and the Roon communities listening habits in the same genres.


Thanks Brian that is really exciting.
You guys have managed to create some great buzz this week, and things are looking really good



Including iOS lock screen control of a designated zone? :star_struck:

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It’s a great feature. I use it all the time for my digitized liner notes.

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There are 2 major philosophies of development

Short sharp shocks, small changes but often. Maybe every 2 weeks

The long haul, large pieces of work, pre planned and released infrequently maybe annually

Roon is the latter, ironically JRiver is the former.

A lot depends on the maturity of a product, a very mature product tends to get minor tweaks and feature additions

A growing product still needs major feature injections

My 2p

Yes already been confirmed, Dark Theme is still there

All I want is Mobile Music Sync/Streaming… it’s been on the roadmap for 4 years.


Are the Google Meet demos posted anywhere on here for streaming? I was at work and would love to see what I missed

Have a listen to the podcast I have posted links to many times.

Another very important point for February 9th which me must not forget:

Feb 9th, 1961 the Beatles had their first public concert in the Cavern Club in Liverpool.


Are the Google Meet demos posted anywhere on here for streaming?

No they told us not to record it, but there wasn’t a whole lot more revealed that’s not already in their 1.8 promo video, screenshots, emails etc. Seriously. If they are holding back anything else (like improvements to Roon Radio) they’re keeping a tight lid on it.

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Okay, thanks. I appreciate it.

They have been heavily critiised by users for focusing on adding new features and not fixing the core functionality of Roon to find and play music. This is being addressed in a very big way with this release. Having been in on the demo what they have done is a very large undertaking 18 months in the making and it looks well worth it. These things to get right take time. Now this is done they have a much more solid foundation to build new features on. It will come when it’s ready and works as the Roon team want it to and it’s not just a me too add on.


When was that? Are you refering to the now playing screen in it’s current state? To me that certainly wasn’t a disaster. The now playing screen went from one of the least used screens into my most used screen in Roon because before it didn’t have any usefull functionaility to speak of. Yes, true, it took a while before the cover view was back and before the backend database was updated with much better artist images but it certainly was a step forward