Roon 1.8 (Build 923) - Feedback

Yes. I’m experiencing quite a delay after pressing Play, and when actually playback resumes. I never experienced this prior to updating.

You might be experiencing clipping. I use DSP to adjust my speaker locations. It worked fine for a long time, then I noticed distortion in one of the speakers. I thought the speaker was going bad. Then I realized my DSP was causing that channel to clip and distort. A few tweaks brought the gain back down and fixed the problem.

Thank you for the update! I used to have an issue when playing anything over 24bit 44Khz files on my Intel MacBook, my hires files would sometimes drop out and I would get a corrupt file message. This issue went back to Catalina and now running Monterey. I would have to reanalyze the file and it would play fine after that. The core is running on a Win 10 Intel NUC. This issue seems to have been resolved with this version. Awesome! Sound quality sounds the same to me on my equipment.

Oh the crashes. Every time I think hey I have an hour to go listen to some music my next thought is will Roon work. The idea of going upstairs, rebooting the Nucleus, waiting for the iPad to connect again, wondering how many songs I will get until it just stops…
This was my escape from working at a computer…

Got home yesterday after being out of town for 2 weeks. Updated my Nucleus to build 923 with no issues. I had been running build 923 on my laptop for the past 2 weeks with no issues.

I also updated my RPi4 from RopieeeXL beta to stable, also with no issues.

EDIT: and now, just updated to build 931. All OK so far.


Technically - it’s embeded css in an html file …

On windows you can try c:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Roon\Application<folder release version number>\webroot for the containing folder name - the html file is the same.

Replace <username> with your windows username and <folder release version number> is likely updated per release version I think.



p.s. Something to be aware of is if you make changes to this file it could potentially be overwritten by a future release of Roon - so it’s worth keeping any customisations in a separate file outside of the roon file structure for future reference. If there were a hook into a custom theme mechanism though that was guaranteed not to be overwritten then we’re into territory to create open source themes on something like github potentially…

The problems with the artists photos, started when some “wise” person said I have an great idea, Lets make the picture frames round instead of rectangular . All pictures I ever have see of artists are rectangular eighter. landscape of portrait.

Updated both my Macbook Air (remote) as well as my Mac Mini (core) to builld 923 this morning. Cleared the cache and everything runs smooth so far. With the last build I had an issue that tracks wouldn’t start immediatly… that seems to be fixed.

Thanks Roon.

Yep, I don’t think it was a great idea either, but it can be hacked (the details are somewhere in this thread) …

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Mind you, you can win some and lose some… :grinning:

Sorry not changed after update

Hello. Would it be possible to use my own pictures? If i use one by myself its not possible to make my own avatar, own widescreen ….
Only 1 picture for everything
Is there a possibility to use more then one?
Tks Alex

No more scrolling problems with this new version.


I am running room core on a PC with Euphony OS 3.2
Now, roon (Mac or Android) can’t access roon core anymore. Someone with the same problem?
Euphony’s own player Stylus works fine.
Thank you

There is a new release out so you should upgrade to B931

There is a new feedback thread too here

I completely turned off the port forwarding stuff. Thank you so much for fortifying my decision. Now I have to learn VPN stuff. Consultation by an SME is in order.

BTW, it turned out to be a bug. Roon fixed it in the latest release.

Hi, Was this meant to be deployed in B931 or this ‘edge-to-edge’ full screen presentation of Artist images going to be in later release?

In B931, certainly better, but not full screen, as the “Display” view over Chromecast presentation.

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Yes I was wondering if this is the way Roon displays artists images now? Must say I don’t like it and much prefer the full screen image…


Yeah, it’s not like camera lenses are round… Oh, wait…

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