Roon 1.8 (Build 923) - Feedback

Looks good and works smoothly for me.

Only thing is that on my Windows 11 PC, I’ve lost the scroll bar on the right hand side when browsing an album tracklist or the queue. I have to use the scroll wheel on my mouse to browse up or down. It is there on the home screen or when browsing my library.

Maybe it was never there, but I miss it now!

Thanks for all the hard work.

I’ve noticed a few times recently, spanning several updates, that pausing a track then grouping another zone causes the track to start over again.

Is this normal behavior?

Grouping without pausing sometimes starts the track over and sometimes it continues from where it was.

Maybe it’s always been this way and I never noticed.

Not a big deal, just curious.

interestingly, with the “delay,” not sure if it’s 923 or earlier, but I’ve noticed that when hitting PLAY, I’ll get the “Starting playback on your audio device. This may take a moment” message every time.

Used to be that i would ONLY get this message if I streamed to a chromecast audio. Now it’s all devices. (Main devices are Raspberry Pi’s running RoPieeeXL + HQPlayer)

Not a big deal, but interesting. Kinda.


Maybe I wonder, this good be a great system

As long as the system brings him joy, would be nice to see a reference system though, I can’t reach those heights with a Roksan Blak though, but I’m happy.

Thanks AGAIN Roon! :grinning:

Oh dear, I seem to be the only person who doesn’t like the new display when broadcasting to an Android screen :frowning:

The previous version looked great on my OLED TV with its strong black and white theme, and the larger album art. I really don’t like the grey bar at the bottom replacing the transparent white of the predecessor either, or the purple track time indicator.

What a shame, I’m new to roon and the screen display was one of my favourite bits of icing on the cake!


Since this gentleman is a principal designer of boutique audio, perhaps he should design a competitor to Roon

While it’s easy to write something like that, it’s really not at all a simple undertaking. If you look at what Verity currently manufacturers, they are not a software house per se. Sure there’s code in the DAC, but that’s not nearly the same thing as a music server.

One thing you should do is look at what they do make and read some of the reviews. I personally considered the Sarastro IIS. They are beautiful in every respect. What @ARUP_GOSWAMI1’s company does is extraordinary and deserves a lot of respect from the audio community.

I for one am glad he’s here and willing to share his perspective. While he’s not representing a significant part of the community, he does know what he’s talking about.

Every one of us has a part to play in this journey. Let’s not forget, this is a hobby after all.

Sit back, relax, and TURN IT UP!!!


I am also having delay problems with Qobuz on this release. Have had to reboot my core a few times already. Did not see this issue on previous releases. No other problems for me on this release though.

What are you experiencing? Not connecting or performance issues?

Long delays if I hit pause or play. 10 seconds or more. If I hit pause or play too many times in the middle of a track, my core locks up and won’t play anything. I can still navigate my library, but selecting a new song and hitting play will result in the track progress counter sitting at zero indefinitely. Core is a NUC running rock.

Problem does not occur on local media, but once it happens, local media won’t play either.

Logging out and back into Qobuz does not help


Plus I don’t know if its him, the name just matches, if it is good for him :grinning:

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I don’t use Chromecast, just usb from dedicated Mac mini to Schiit Gungnir and integrated amp to floor standers, augmented by streaming to a CXN v2 upstairs, a bridge to my office Mac mini and a connection to my iPad. Did the download, reset my core and I see/hear no difference, as usual.

In love with my Roon experience.

You’re right, you’re right, you’re right. ( Not being sarcastic ). I tend to overreact to what I consider statements like his, maybe because I’m jealous, maybe because I’m not having any issues with Roon. I went on the website, very impressive, far out of my league in $$$. Still, I found his comments to be a bit snarky, especially the “Hmmm” . But you are right, he has his opinion and it has every right to be expressed. I will spend more time enjoying my enjoyment of Roon and less time looking for someone’s opinions to bash.


Yep, add me to the list…:frowning:

Hi. I would like to have a larger contrast on the progress bar. It’s hard to see, from a distance, the progression of the song playing. It’s now pink/grey.
What about pink/white, or any any other combination of two very different colours?

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I tried several times to replicate this and I can’t. I’ll try this again later with different file formats to see if that makes a difference.

I understand how any of us can and do react to others comments. I just keep telling myself “this is a hobby, this is a hobby, no one is going to die over this, this is a hobby…”

Thanks for the super cool reply, I really dig it!


And now it’s back to being jerky. :roll_eyes:

This a hobby

Reading some comments here it’s sometimes hard to credit that.

I 100% agree. I praise Roon for their approach in quicker releases to address bugs rather than features. To me it shows a maturing product

As you say KEEP LISTENING :smiling_imp: