Roon 1.8 is great

I think you bought a ticket to the wrong thread

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Amazing upgrade. Can we have the multiselector option back on tagging though?

Isnā€™t this off topic here and should be placed in Wanted Features?

I agree, I think that 1.8 is a huge improvement. I love the updates to the typography and layout.


Not my experience. Roon 1.8 has bricked my two Roon setups. If your system hasnā€™t upgraded, I recommend you do everything you can to stop it upgrading and stay on 1.7.

Let the naysayers vent. Some of them are downright rude.

1.8 is a step change release. Itā€™s so much more inviting. We move from crowded computer screens to a clean fresh palette that encourages exploration.

Well done team. Roon evolves into a unique proposition.


1.8 is a great upgrade. It still plays all the music in my collection, and I like the new interface and new features. And so much more. The transition was flawless. If the only thing I can complain about is that Iā€™d like to be able to see twice as many albums in the main viewing screen, Iā€™ll take that.

Thanks Roon team for an awesome job. Oh, and donā€™t listen to the whingers.


I think youā€™re in the wrong thread - the thread for complaining is here


Very smooth update on all my devices and OS-es.
Working like a charm and music in minutes, thatā€™s what it is all about.
I will get used to the new GUI, no need to complain about it, but i like it so far.


Overall, I like the update, other than a couple of things that bug me (and I hope will be fixed/changed in an update).
But I think the Roonies concentrated too much on PR for this update, and didnā€™t think about longtime users and how the changes would effect them.

Example: the big change in how focus/bookmarks work. The update broke many users bookmarks, and there was no explanation of what the change was or how to workaround it.

Next time thereā€™s a big update, we should get more than just PR about how great the update is.
We should be told (at least in the release notes) how some of the changes effect us, and be given a workaround if one is needed to ameliorate the effect of the changes.

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UI is super sleek and step in the right direction. More consistent with typical web browsing. Only request, please make the wave form a little wider.

Great update; I like the new look and feel. More modern so to say.
(The omission of information about playlist and tags with the tracks is a great loss for me)

Just came here to say I am quite pleased with the update and Iā€™m shocked by the amount of complaints (and the ungrateful demeanor in which theyā€™re worded). Love the new UI, very clean and easy to use. Performance seems a little snappier than it was. Thanks for all your work on this wonderful product. And as a software developer myself Iā€™m quite impressed by the work you guys do to support all the crazy hardware configurations people try here. (Myself included, I run Roon inside my homelab Kubernetes cluster).


1.7 was a fossilized COMPUTER PROGRAM while 1.8 is a FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT for listening to the music.
Minor technical defects will be corrected quickly.


Totally agree. Roon has to grow and develop its market. Old fashioned computer programs donā€™t cut it.

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I love 1.8; perhaps not perfect, but damn impressive!


Iā€™m a big fan. :wink:


For me this upgrade works great. I have to get used to the new interface, but in my oppinion it is an upgrade over the 1.7 version.


I agree. A big Thank You to the Roon team!!


1.8 is just awesome! Thank you Team Roon :clap:t2: