Roon 1.8 Not Playing on Endpoints After macOS Upgrade (ref#65UF3R)

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I am in need to use Roon 1.8 legacy on an old MacAir I use as Core. It worked recently well, connecting via Airplay to two end-points, playing on both well. Now - really by surprise - I do see the endpoints still in the setup/audio chapter but if I do select them, Roon behaves as follows:
- Content is selected
- is shown as track to be played
- track does not start to be played

If I use in the system settings of Mac OS one end-point and select in setup/audio "core" then it works well.

I re-installed mac os (high sierra) as well as Roon but unfortunately no change.

Would be great to have support on that.

Describe your network setup


What are the AirPlay endpoints?
Connected via WiFi or Ethernet?

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all connected via Airplay (no changes to the prior working setup)

And are they connected by wifi or wired Ethernet. AirPlay works both wired and wireless

Plus what’s the model of the endpoints

as mentioned: they are connected by wifi.
one endpoint is an airport express, one is a libratone

Well you didn’t mention, you said „by Airplay“ but this doesn’t necessarily mean wifi.

Nothing changed in Roon 1.8, so in all likelihood it’s something in your system.

Did you try rebooting everything including the router, the Roon server and the endpoints?
Could you temporarily connect at least one of the endpoints by wired Ethernet to see if it makes a difference?


I performed rebooting, switching off devices, re-installing high sierre respectively Roon1.8.

Airplay and connection is there via the Core system but not via Roon.

Hi @martin_foerster,

According to diagnostics, you’ve migrated your RoonServer machine to a Linux distribution and have updated to Roon 2.0.

Is this High Sierra Macbook Air still in your Roon ecosystem?

hi - no. the macbook with high sierra was all the time the machine running Roon core. this was not update/upgraded.
I re-installed 1.8 on the macbook.

Hey @martin_foerster,

I can confirm with my colleague @connor - we’re seeing an active Antipodes server actively running the latest version of Roon

Please reproduce the issue, and then share a set of roon server logs from the mac machine, please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader.

Thank you!

Correct - but these are different installations.

Recidence 1: MacAir with the setup as described
Residence 2: Antipodes with different endpoints

I am talking about Residence 1

Hi @martin_foerster,

Do you have a separate Roon account under a different license? Or do you migrate between Roon databases, de-authorizing and re-authorizing your respective RoonServer instances?

The 1.8 instance on the Macbook Air is invisible to our servers, so we’ll have to ask you to manually upload a log set from that database.

Please use the directions found here and send a set of logs to our File Uploader.

yes, two installations, 650km in between.
i can check the logs next week while being there and will upload them.

Sounds good @martin_foerster! We’ll be on standby for your follow up. Thank you :pray:

hi - thanks for your patience.
i uploaded the log files accordingly.

thanks for your kind support. in case more information is necessary pls. let me know.

hi - i uploaded the logs accordingly - thanks for your kind support

Hi @martin_foerster,

Thank you again for your patience. Logs show this Mac has intermittent connectivity upstream and within the network, and routine requests to authentication servers, streaming service servers, and Roon’s own servers fail repeatedly on occasion. We can troubleshoot this, but it will require you to submit a detailed overview of your network topology at the location in question.

However, the failure to Airplay is unrelated and specific and possibly related to the version of MacOS you’re running. As a test, try turning off the Airplay Receiver in your Mac settings - queue content to the same and let us know what happens.

Please share the make/model of endpoints you’re using with Airplay, as connectivity will depend heavily on the firmware and implementation.

thanks a lot for your investigation.
its rather simple:
there is the macair which runs the ROON core. via WLAN it is connected to a AirportExpress respectively to a Libratone Box.
Network coverage etc. are fine.

The fun part is that if I choose as sound output in the system preferences of MacOS the Airport Express or the Libratone, then in ROON audio settings “System Output” it works flawless.

Macair: MacBook Air 13″
macOS 10.13.6

The Airport Express is running on the last/latest SW.

It worked with that configuration already perfectly well…

Thanks again!

Maybe it’s time to upgrade to a more capable Roon server, wired ethernet connected, and run Roon 2.0. Running obsolete software on obsolete equipment without a wired connection is not likely to work properly. Not only that, but Roon with AirPlay is not a good setup either.

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