Roon 1.8 slowness

I’m experiencing extreme slowness as well, mostly after clicking on an Artist’s link and furthermore when trying to open the Artist’s editing page. This can take 10 to 20 seconds. It certainly is much slower that an 1.7
I would have thought hundreds of other Roon users would have the same problems, but there seem to very little complaints about this slowness on this forum. How come?


Let me give an example of how this slowness affects everyday lookup actions.
When I click on an artist link WITHOUT a picture in it, such as Willem Mengelberg on the following Album Page:

It takes an absurd amount of time to open the Artist page, as can also be seen in these logs:

04/19 09:52:16 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[23430961, Willem Mengelberg]
04/19 09:52:16 Info: [library/performerdetails]
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 19ms
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 09:52:17 Info: [stats] 10316mb Virtual, 3810mb Physical, 2515mb Managed, 2414 Handles, 101 Threads
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 8ms
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 09:52:18 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 9ms
04/19 09:52:18 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 09:52:32 Info: [stats] 10304mb Virtual, 3810mb Physical, 2522mb Managed, 2417 Handles, 98 Threads
04/19 09:52:35 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=19-4-2021 07:52:35 nextauthrefresh=19-4-2021 07:54:44 nextmachineallocate=19-4-2021 09:52:35
04/19 09:52:37 Debug: [easyhttp] [802] POST to returned after 648 ms, status code: 200
04/19 09:52:37 Trace: [inetdiscovery] registered 1 devices, 4 services
04/19 09:52:45 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 17684ms
04/19 09:52:45 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 09:52:45 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 26ms
04/19 09:52:45 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 09:52:45 Debug: [easyhttp] [800] GET to returned after 28746 ms, status code: 200
04/19 09:52:45 Debug: [easyhttp] [801] GET to returned after 28746 ms, status code: 200
04/19 09:52:45 Debug: [easyhttp] [798] GET to returned after 28747 ms, status code: 404
04/19 09:52:45 Debug: [easyhttp] [799] GET to returned after 28747 ms, status code: 500
04/19 09:52:47 Info: [stats] 10288mb Virtual, 3810mb Physical, 2527mb Managed, 2408 Handles, 94 Threads

The second time I tried the exact same thing (load the exact same Artist Page of Willem Mengelberg, I got this result:

This time it says “No albums or performances found” and it took even longer:

04/19 09:52:16 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[23430961, Willem Mengelberg]
04/19 09:52:16 Info: [library/performerdetails]
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 19ms
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 09:52:17 Info: [stats] 10316mb Virtual, 3810mb Physical, 2515mb Managed, 2414 Handles, 101 Threads
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 8ms
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 09:52:17 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 09:52:18 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 9ms
04/19 09:52:18 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 09:52:32 Info: [stats] 10304mb Virtual, 3810mb Physical, 2522mb Managed, 2417 Handles, 98 Threads
04/19 09:52:35 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=19-4-2021 07:52:35 nextauthrefresh=19-4-2021 07:54:44 nextmachineallocate=19-4-2021 09:52:35
04/19 09:52:37 Debug: [easyhttp] [802] POST to returned after 648 ms, status code: 200
04/19 09:52:37 Trace: [inetdiscovery] registered 1 devices, 4 services
04/19 09:52:45 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 17684ms
04/19 09:52:45 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 09:52:45 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 26ms
04/19 09:52:45 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 09:52:45 Debug: [easyhttp] [800] GET to returned after 28746 ms, status code: 200
04/19 09:52:45 Debug: [easyhttp] [801] GET to returned after 28746 ms, status code: 200
04/19 09:52:45 Debug: [easyhttp] [798] GET to returned after 28747 ms, status code: 404
04/19 09:52:45 Debug: [easyhttp] [799] GET to returned after 28747 ms, status code: 500
04/19 09:52:47 Info: [stats] 10288mb Virtual, 3810mb Physical, 2527mb Managed, 2408 Handles, 94 Threads

When I try to load the Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt Artist Page, it takes about half a minute!:

04/19 10:12:28 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[3673978, Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt]
04/19 10:12:28 Info: [library/performerdetails] 7a004d4e30303030353835323730, 5e014e7b1e11c4a692418494ee65161d1199, a70034393531393633, a70033363530343336, c9003138383537, bf00353531363037
04/19 10:12:28 Trace: [songkick] REQUEST
04/19 10:12:28 Debug: FULL:
04/19 10:12:28 Trace: [songkick] GOT /api/3.0/artists/mbid:111e7b4e-a6c4-4192-8494-ee65161d1199/calendar.json in 157ms
04/19 10:12:29 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 43ms
04/19 10:12:29 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:12:29 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 10:12:30 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 29ms
04/19 10:12:30 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:12:30 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 10:12:31 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 8ms
04/19 10:12:31 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:12:33 Info: [stats] 10292mb Virtual, 3765mb Physical, 2522mb Managed, 2389 Handles, 95 Threads
04/19 10:12:35 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=19-4-2021 08:12:35 nextauthrefresh=19-4-2021 08:57:36 nextmachineallocate=19-4-2021 09:52:35
04/19 10:12:48 Info: [stats] 10280mb Virtual, 3765mb Physical, 2522mb Managed, 2379 Handles, 92 Threads
04/19 10:12:56 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 17454ms
04/19 10:12:56 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:12:56 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 22ms
04/19 10:12:56 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:12:56 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[3673978, Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt]
04/19 10:12:56 Info: [library/performerdetails] 7a004d4e30303030353835323730, 5e014e7b1e11c4a692418494ee65161d1199, a70034393531393633, a70033363530343336, c9003138383537, bf00353531363037
04/19 10:12:56 Debug: [easyhttp] [815] GET to returned after 27247 ms, status code: 200
04/19 10:12:56 Debug: [easyhttp] [816] GET to returned after 27246 ms, status code: 200
04/19 10:12:56 Debug: [easyhttp] [813] GET to returned after 27248 ms, status code: 404
04/19 10:12:56 Debug: [easyhttp] [814] GET to returned after 27248 ms, status code: 200
04/19 10:12:56 Trace: [songkick] REQUEST
04/19 10:12:56 Debug: FULL:
04/19 10:12:57 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {“message”:“Started: roon-extension-alarm-clock”,“is_error”:false}
04/19 10:12:57 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 14ms
04/19 10:12:57 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:12:57 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 10:12:58 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 26ms
04/19 10:12:58 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:12:58 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 10:12:59 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 28ms
04/19 10:12:59 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 1ms

Timings are not consistent, though, because the nex time that I loaded the same Artist Page it took only a few seconds. Strangely enough, the logs say it again took nearly half a minute…

04/19 10:15:36 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[3673978, Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt]
04/19 10:15:36 Info: [library/performerdetails] 7a004d4e30303030353835323730, 5e014e7b1e11c4a692418494ee65161d1199, a70034393531393633, a70033363530343336, c9003138383537, bf00353531363037
04/19 10:15:36 Trace: [songkick] REQUEST
04/19 10:15:36 Debug: FULL:
04/19 10:15:37 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 20ms
04/19 10:15:37 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:15:37 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 10:15:38 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 8ms
04/19 10:15:38 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:15:38 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 10:15:39 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 21ms
04/19 10:15:39 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 1ms
04/19 10:15:48 Info: [stats] 10288mb Virtual, 3762mb Physical, 2501mb Managed, 2344 Handles, 94 Threads
04/19 10:15:57 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {“message”:“Started: roon-extension-alarm-clock”,“is_error”:false}
04/19 10:16:03 Info: [stats] 10304mb Virtual, 3762mb Physical, 2503mb Managed, 2380 Handles, 98 Threads
04/19 10:16:04 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 15910ms
04/19 10:16:04 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:16:04 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 45ms
04/19 10:16:04 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:16:04 Debug: [easyhttp] [823] GET to returned after 26576 ms, status code: 200
04/19 10:16:04 Debug: [easyhttp] [821] GET to returned after 26577 ms, status code: 404
04/19 10:16:04 Debug: [easyhttp] [824] GET to returned after 26576 ms, status code: 200
04/19 10:16:04 Debug: [easyhttp] [822] GET to returned after 26577 ms, status code: 200
04/19 10:16:04 Info: [library] saved recent ProfileId=7117ef3e-d9ad-439b-81c0-e6134cbe70d6 Time=19-4-2021 08:16:04 DataType=performer Type=long_nav MetadataId=3673978 ContentId= LibraryId=3673978
04/19 10:16:04 Debug: GET /image/nqlaaaaa.256.jpg
04/19 10:16:04 Debug: GET /image/uihaaaaa.256.jpg
04/19 10:16:04 Debug: GET /image/awnaaaaa.256.jpg
04/19 10:16:04 Debug: GET /image/ftlaaaaa.1024.jpg
04/19 10:16:04 Debug: GET /image/acmaaaaa.1024.jpg

When I load the Artist Page of Guila Bustabo I have to watch this wating symbol for quite some time:

And If I’m not patient and try to open the Artist Edit screen, I get another waiting symbol…

04/19 10:24:53 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[39611953, Guila Bustabo (viool)]
04/19 10:24:53 Info: [library/performerdetails]
04/19 10:24:54 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 16ms
04/19 10:24:54 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:24:54 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 10:24:54 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 9ms
04/19 10:24:54 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:24:54 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 10:24:55 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 26ms
04/19 10:24:55 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:24:57 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {“message”:“Started: roon-extension-alarm-clock”,“is_error”:false}
04/19 10:25:03 Info: [stats] 10300mb Virtual, 3754mb Physical, 2518mb Managed, 2445 Handles, 97 Threads
04/19 10:25:18 Info: [stats] 10284mb Virtual, 3753mb Physical, 2520mb Managed, 2432 Handles, 93 Threads
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 17687ms
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 14ms
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] performing genre query
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] query returned 88 Sooloos.Broker.Api.GenreLite(s)
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] performing place query
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] query returned 5736 Sooloos.Broker.Api.PlaceLite(s)
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] performing country query
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] query returned 159 Sooloos.Broker.Api.CountryLite(s)
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] performing genre query
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] query returned 88 Sooloos.Broker.Api.GenreLite(s)
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] performing place query
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] query returned 5736 Sooloos.Broker.Api.PlaceLite(s)
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] performing country query
04/19 10:25:22 Trace: [music/query] query returned 159 Sooloos.Broker.Api.CountryLite(s)
04/19 10:25:22 Debug: [easyhttp] [828] GET to returned after 27969 ms, status code: 200
04/19 10:25:22 Debug: [easyhttp] [829] GET to returned after 27969 ms, status code: 200
04/19 10:25:22 Debug: [easyhttp] [827] GET to returned after 27970 ms, status code: 500
04/19 10:25:22 Debug: [easyhttp] [826] GET to returned after 27970 ms, status code: 404
04/19 10:25:33 Info: [stats] 10304mb Virtual, 3754mb Physical, 2500mb Managed, 2380 Handles, 98 Threads
04/19 10:25:49 Info: [stats] 10280mb Virtual, 3753mb Physical, 2503mb Managed, 2354 Handles, 92 Threads
04/19 10:25:49 Trace: [library] endmutation in 20ms
04/19 10:25:49 Trace: [library] endmutation in 19ms
04/19 10:25:57 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {“message”:“Started: roon-extension-alarm-clock”,“is_error”:false}
04/19 10:26:04 Info: [stats] 10288mb Virtual, 3753mb Physical, 2504mb Managed, 2381 Handles, 94 Threads
04/19 10:26:19 Info: [stats] 10280mb Virtual, 3753mb Physical, 2503mb Managed, 2373 Handles, 92 Threads
04/19 10:26:34 Info: [stats] 10288mb Virtual, 3753mb Physical, 2503mb Managed, 2387 Handles, 94 Threads
04/19 10:26:49 Info: [stats] 10280mb Virtual, 3753mb Physical, 2501mb Managed, 2389 Handles, 92 Threads
04/19 10:26:57 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {“message”:“Started: roon-extension-alarm-clock”,“is_error”:false}
04/19 10:27:03 Trace: [music/query] performing genre query
04/19 10:27:03 Trace: [music/query] query returned 88 Sooloos.Broker.Api.GenreLite(s)
04/19 10:27:03 Trace: [music/query] performing place query
04/19 10:27:03 Trace: [music/query] query returned 5736 Sooloos.Broker.Api.PlaceLite(s)
04/19 10:27:03 Trace: [music/query] performing country query
04/19 10:27:03 Trace: [music/query] query returned 159 Sooloos.Broker.Api.CountryLite(s)
04/19 10:27:04 Info: [stats] 10288mb Virtual, 3753mb Physical, 2501mb Managed, 2410 Handles, 94 Threads
04/19 10:27:19 Info: [stats] 10276mb Virtual, 3753mb Physical, 2504mb Managed, 2409 Handles, 91 Threads
04/19 10:27:24 Trace: [music/query] performing genre query
04/19 10:27:24 Trace: [music/query] query returned 88 Sooloos.Broker.Api.GenreLite(s)
04/19 10:27:24 Trace: [music/query] performing place query
04/19 10:27:24 Trace: [music/query] query returned 5736 Sooloos.Broker.Api.PlaceLite(s)
04/19 10:27:24 Trace: [music/query] performing country query
04/19 10:27:24 Trace: [music/query] query returned 159 Sooloos.Broker.Api.CountryLite(s)
04/19 10:27:34 Info: [stats] 10292mb Virtual, 3754mb Physical, 2505mb Managed, 2451 Handles, 95 Threads
04/19 10:27:35 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=19-4-2021 08:27:35 nextauthrefresh=19-4-2021 08:57:36 nextmachineallocate=19-4-2021 09:52:35
04/19 10:27:37 Trace: [library] endmutation in 20ms
04/19 10:27:49 Info: [stats] 10272mb Virtual, 3753mb Physical, 2504mb Managed, 2440 Handles, 90 Threads
04/19 10:27:55 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[39611953, Guila Bustabo (viool)]
04/19 10:27:55 Info: [library/performerdetails]
04/19 10:27:56 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 13ms
04/19 10:27:56 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:27:56 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 10:27:57 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 35ms
04/19 10:27:57 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:27:57 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
04/19 10:27:57 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {“message”:“Started: roon-extension-alarm-clock”,“is_error”:false}
04/19 10:27:58 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 10ms
04/19 10:27:58 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:28:04 Info: [stats] 10308mb Virtual, 3754mb Physical, 2504mb Managed, 2400 Handles, 99 Threads
04/19 10:28:19 Info: [stats] 10288mb Virtual, 3753mb Physical, 2506mb Managed, 2388 Handles, 94 Threads
04/19 10:28:26 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 18796ms
04/19 10:28:26 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:28:26 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 47ms
04/19 10:28:26 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
04/19 10:28:26 Trace: [music/query] performing genre query
04/19 10:28:26 Trace: [music/query] query returned 88 Sooloos.Broker.Api.GenreLite(s)
04/19 10:28:26 Trace: [music/query] performing place query
04/19 10:28:26 Trace: [music/query] query returned 5736 Sooloos.Broker.Api.PlaceLite(s)
04/19 10:28:26 Trace: [music/query] performing country query
04/19 10:28:26 Trace: [music/query] query returned 159 Sooloos.Broker.Api.CountryLite(s)
04/19 10:28:26 Debug: [easyhttp] [830] GET to returned after 30200 ms, status code: 404
04/19 10:28:26 Debug: [easyhttp] [832] GET to returned after 30199 ms, status code: 200
04/19 10:28:26 Debug: [easyhttp] [833] GET to returned after 30199 ms, status code: 200
04/19 10:28:26 Debug: [easyhttp] [831] GET to returned after 30200 ms, status code: 500

Could it be that the is so slow in reacting, thus creating the hold-up?

1 Like

Hi @Hans_Valeton

I’m sorry that we missed this one!

I wanted to check in and see if things are still slow for you or if you’re seeing things have improved. Let us know!

Thanks for getting back to me, @dylan , albeit somewhat late… (I’ll just pat myself on the back for being so patient and then let’s all just carry on. I do realize you are also very busy!)

I do still suffer from this slowness, yes, although it seems the situation has changed a bit.
I do a lot of grooming of my library and so I visit Artists pages on a daily basis. Mostly because the Artist’s photo is of very poor quality or even absent and I want to upload a (better) photo I found on the net.

Just now I played around a bit to better be able to answer your question accurately and these are my findings:

After clicking on the composer Leoš Janáček, the following page opens up immediately:

So far, so good.
But the snag is at the bottom of the page where the Roon waiting symbol ‘turns’ for about 15 seconds as seen in the following screenshot:

Then, after waiting for these 15 seconds, the bottom part of the Artist’s page shows ‘Similar composers’ and ‘Top conductors of Leoš Janáček’:

Roonserver loggings covering the period of the wait:

06/17 10:05:03 Info: [stats] 9101mb Virtual, 2490mb Physical, 1643mb Managed, 4344 Handles, 95 Threads
06/17 10:05:09 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[934522, Leoš Janáček]
06/17 10:05:09 Info: [library/performerdetails] 7a004d4e30303032313337313432, 5e018aedfcedbc01224c96b2da58edd6b8af, a70033393837323738, a70033383436313836, a70033353138353836, a70036323131343038, a70034313639323537, c900333336, bf00353131303733
06/17 10:05:09 Trace: [songkick] REQUEST
06/17 10:05:09 Debug: FULL:
06/17 10:05:10 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 29ms
06/17 10:05:10 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
06/17 10:05:10 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
06/17 10:05:10 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 8ms
06/17 10:05:10 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 42ms
06/17 10:05:10 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
06/17 10:05:11 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 40ms
06/17 10:05:11 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 101ms
06/17 10:05:18 Info: [stats] 9141mb Virtual, 2491mb Physical, 1646mb Managed, 4361 Handles, 105 Threads
06/17 10:05:25 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 9351ms
06/17 10:05:25 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 0ms
06/17 10:05:25 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 14ms
06/17 10:05:25 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 11ms
06/17 10:05:25 Debug: [easyhttp] [816] GET to returned after 15714 ms, status code: 404
06/17 10:05:25 Debug: [easyhttp] [817] GET to returned after 15714 ms, status code: 200
06/17 10:05:25 Debug: [easyhttp] [818] GET to returned after 15714 ms, status code: 200
06/17 10:05:25 Debug: [easyhttp] [815] GET to returned after 15715 ms, status code: 200
06/17 10:05:25 Info: [library] saved recent ProfileId=7117ef3e-d9ad-439b-81c0-e6134cbe70d6 Time=17-6-2021 08:05:25 DataType=performer Type=long_nav MetadataId=934522 ContentId= LibraryId=934522

status code: 404 Is this the crux of the holdup? Is it similar to a HTML error 404?

Only after the Artist’s page is loaded completely, including these ‘Similar composers’ and ‘Top conductors of Leoš Janáček’, can I edit the artist/composer at hand without wating, by clicking on the three dots symbol under the composer’s name and then choosing “Edit…”

If I want to speed up things by going to “Edit…” BEFORE the Artist’s page has fully loaded, I am presented with the waiting symbol in the edit screen and still have to wait for the full 15 seconds before I can alter anything:

So apparently the holdup definitely is in the loading of the “Similar composers” etc and by the way, the same goes for non-composer artists, for instance when I open the Artist page of Jos van Immerseel, the conductor on the album at hand:

The Roonserver loggings for the period of waiting for Jos van Immerseel’s page to load:

06/17 09:58:03 Info: [stats] 9117mb Virtual, 2834mb Physical, 1644mb Managed, 4336 Handles, 99 Threads
06/17 09:58:18 Info: [stats] 9117mb Virtual, 2772mb Physical, 1642mb Managed, 4346 Handles, 99 Threads
06/17 09:58:22 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[2962810, Jos van Immerseel]
06/17 09:58:22 Info: [library/performerdetails] 7a004d4e30303032313833303533, 5e016e3b5b093b570742b1493842e176d5f7, a70033353335363037, c9003332333233, bf00353631393535
06/17 09:58:22 Trace: [songkick] REQUEST
06/17 09:58:22 Debug: FULL:
06/17 09:58:22 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 13ms
06/17 09:58:22 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
06/17 09:58:22 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
06/17 09:58:23 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 7ms
06/17 09:58:23 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 15ms
06/17 09:58:23 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
06/17 09:58:23 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 9ms
06/17 09:58:23 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 16ms
06/17 09:58:33 Info: [stats] 9105mb Virtual, 2772mb Physical, 1659mb Managed, 4343 Handles, 96 Threads
06/17 09:58:37 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 9032ms
06/17 09:58:37 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 16ms
06/17 09:58:37 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 13ms
06/17 09:58:37 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
06/17 09:58:37 Debug: [easyhttp] [813] GET to returned after 14719 ms, status code: 200
06/17 09:58:37 Debug: [easyhttp] [811] GET to returned after 14720 ms, status code: 404
06/17 09:58:37 Debug: [easyhttp] [814] GET to returned after 14719 ms, status code: 200
06/17 09:58:37 Debug: [easyhttp] [812] GET to returned after 14720 ms, status code: 200
06/17 09:58:37 Info: [library] saved recent ProfileId=7117ef3e-d9ad-439b-81c0-e6134cbe70d6 Time=17-6-2021 07:58:37 DataType=performer Type=long_nav MetadataId=2962810 ContentId= LibraryId=2962810

All in all, there still seems to be a significant waiting time involved in downloading the necessary data from “

Because I don’t really need these “Similar composers/artists” for my purposes, isn’t there a possibility to change a setting saying something like “Don’t show/load similar artists at the bottom of an Artist’s page” ???
Perhaps only for the time being while the Roon programmers find a better, permanent solution?

Hi @Hans_Valeton

There is not the option for this currently, sorry!

Our team has been looking into this and, yes, the 404 issue appears to be the problem here.

First, I’m hoping you can provide some specifics on your networking setup.

Next, so we have a bit more data as we work on this, we are hoping you can make a note of the next few times that you see this and include the time it occurs and the artist name. Then, please use the directions found here and send us over a set of logs using a shared Dropbox link (or any other file sharing service). Our team will take a look at the full logs and see if we can identify why you’re getting 404 errors here. Thanks!

Good afternoon, @dylan
Thanks for getting back to me.

At the moment I am on holiday in Austria so you might think I would not be able to test the tardiness of loading Artist’s pages, but the good news is that I brought my brand new PC with me. (And otherwise I would have been able to perform tests on my PC at home via TeamViewer…)

My networking setup is quite simple, here in our holiday home. My PC is hooked up to the router via UTP cable and all other devices in and around the house are connected to internet via WiFi. There’s an Access Point placed in a central position in the house that’s connected to the router by cable. One floor lower there’s a WiFi repeater. Speeds as measured by are quite decent taking into account that the house is situated rather remotely in the mountains:
That’s about it. Do you need more info?

At home in Utrecht, the situation is similar. My PC there is also connected to the router by UTP cable with the slight difference that there’s a switch involved. But that has never impeded the download or upload speeds in any way. Speeds there are 600 Mbps down and 40 Mbps down.

I have fiddled with the DNS settings on my PC, using the Google settings, both here and at home but that did not make any difference in the Artist pages loading times.

Since we last spoke, the waiting times have decreased quite a bit but are still unacceptable. Fully loading an artist’s page of say a conductor takes 8.5 to 9 seconds and that of a composer 9 to 10 seconds.

Some examples:

After clicking on the Daniel Corzempa link and immediately scrolling down to find the waiting symbol:

This Artist’s page took about 8.5 seconds to load:

08/03 17:28:23 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[3697274, Daniel Chorzempa]
08/03 17:28:23 Info: [library/performerdetails] 7a004d4e30303030373632353630, 5e01d060a94074505449bd1900bb0b73a9ec, a70033393633383034, c9003339363933, bf00353534373136
08/03 17:28:23 Trace: [songkick] REQUEST
08/03 17:28:23 Debug: FULL:
08/03 17:28:23 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 8ms
08/03 17:28:23 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
08/03 17:28:23 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 17:28:23 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 6ms
08/03 17:28:23 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 1ms
08/03 17:28:23 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 17:28:24 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 6ms
08/03 17:28:24 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 5ms
08/03 17:28:32 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 5427ms
08/03 17:28:32 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 1ms
08/03 17:28:32 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 9ms
08/03 17:28:32 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
08/03 17:28:32 Debug: [easyhttp] [238] GET to returned after 8767 ms, status code: 404
08/03 17:28:32 Debug: [easyhttp] [240] GET to returned after 8766 ms, status code: 200
08/03 17:28:32 Debug: [easyhttp] [241] GET to returned after 8766 ms, status code: 200
08/03 17:28:32 Debug: [easyhttp] [239] GET to returned after 8767 ms, status code: 200
08/03 17:28:33 Info: [library] saved recent ProfileId=7117ef3e-d9ad-439b-81c0-e6134cbe70d6 Time=03/08/2021 15:28:34 DataType=performer Type=long_nav MetadataId=3697274 ContentId= LibraryId=3697274 Text= Genre=
08/03 17:28:34 Info: [stats] 9677mb Virtual, 3971mb Physical, 1451mb Managed, 3955 Handles, 119 Threads
08/03 17:28:49 Info: [stats] 9713mb Virtual, 3971mb Physical, 1451mb Managed, 4009 Handles, 128 Threads
08/03 17:29:04 Info: [stats] 9681mb Virtual, 3971mb Physical, 1451mb Managed, 3990 Handles, 120 Threads

After having returned to the Album page I then clicked on the George Frederick Handel (the composer) link:

Loading Handel’s Artist’s page:

This took about 10 seconds:

08/03 17:37:59 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[10874, George Frederick Handel]
08/03 17:37:59 Info: [library/performerdetails] 7a004d4e30303030383035373430, 5e01470d872798bbd142bf2bc7e972e6befc, a70033393031343639, a70037303037363330, a70036323431343638, a70034353732323733, a70034323339363635, a70034303235393036, a70033393034373638, a70033363539303530, a70033353138343032, a70035393435323237, bf00353130393436
08/03 17:37:59 Trace: [songkick] REQUEST
08/03 17:37:59 Debug: FULL:
08/03 17:37:59 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 9ms
08/03 17:37:59 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 11ms
08/03 17:37:59 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 17:37:59 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 6ms
08/03 17:37:59 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 277ms
08/03 17:37:59 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 17:38:00 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 7ms
08/03 17:38:00 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 282ms
08/03 17:38:07 Info: [stats] 9689mb Virtual, 3971mb Physical, 1421mb Managed, 3970 Handles, 122 Threads
08/03 17:38:09 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 5430ms
08/03 17:38:09 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 0ms
08/03 17:38:09 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 17ms
08/03 17:38:09 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 6ms
08/03 17:38:09 Debug: [easyhttp] [244] GET to returned after 10038 ms, status code: 404
08/03 17:38:09 Debug: [easyhttp] [245] GET to returned after 10038 ms, status code: 200
08/03 17:38:09 Debug: [easyhttp] [246] GET to returned after 10038 ms, status code: 200
08/03 17:38:09 Debug: [easyhttp] [243] GET to returned after 10038 ms, status code: 200
08/03 17:38:09 Info: [library] saved recent ProfileId=7117ef3e-d9ad-439b-81c0-e6134cbe70d6 Time=03/08/2021 15:38:10 DataType=performer Type=long_nav MetadataId=10874 ContentId= LibraryId=10874 Text= Genre=
08/03 17:38:22 Info: [stats] 9717mb Virtual, 3970mb Physical, 1428mb Managed, 4017 Handles, 129 Threads
08/03 17:38:37 Info: [stats] 9685mb Virtual, 3970mb Physical, 1428mb Managed, 4004 Handles, 121 Threads
08/03 17:38:52 Info: [stats] 9713mb Virtual, 3970mb Physical, 1428mb Managed, 4049 Handles, 128 Threads

Note that each and every time there’s a “status code: 404” at the end of the logging line where the waiting time is given!

You can find my he most recent logs here:

The examples I gave above can be found in “RoonServer_log.txt”
For further instances of long waiting times you need only to search for lines such as:

08/03 11:37:58 Debug: [easyhttp] [43] GET to returned after 8163 ms, status code: 404
A seach for the combination of “similar” and “status code: 404” within one line will yield all relevant instances.

Perhaps related, perhaps unrelated, but still very much puzzling is the following.
There seems to be a fifty/fifty chance of getting the broad view of an Artist’s photo or the smaller ‘medallion’ view.
After clicking on a “Jaap Schröder” link for the first time:

Then the next time:

Then a third time:

Then a fourth time:

and so on and so forth.
It almost seems the artist’s hyperlink functions as a kind of toggle switch! Weird!!

Loggings during the ‘toggling’ of Jaap Schröder’s photograph:

08/03 18:06:59 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[4986, Jaap Schröder]
08/03 18:06:59 Info: [library/performerdetails] 7a004d4e30303031373931323234, 5e01148f9cb6f04eab478c2796ec6f711c8d, a7003137393633, c9003334353538, bf00353631393536
08/03 18:06:59 Trace: [songkick] REQUEST
08/03 18:06:59 Debug: FULL:
08/03 18:06:59 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 9ms
08/03 18:06:59 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
08/03 18:06:59 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 18:07:00 Info: [stats] 9922mb Virtual, 4409mb Physical, 1415mb Managed, 3434 Handles, 103 Threads
08/03 18:07:00 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 6ms
08/03 18:07:00 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 6ms
08/03 18:07:00 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 18:07:00 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 6ms
08/03 18:07:00 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 6ms
08/03 18:07:06 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 4028ms
08/03 18:07:06 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 8ms
08/03 18:07:06 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 9ms
08/03 18:07:06 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
08/03 18:07:06 Debug: [easyhttp] [39] GET to returned after 6608 ms, status code: 404
08/03 18:07:06 Debug: [easyhttp] [41] GET to returned after 6608 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:07:06 Debug: [easyhttp] [42] GET to returned after 6608 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:07:06 Debug: [easyhttp] [40] GET to returned after 6608 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:07:09 Info: [library] saved recent ProfileId=7117ef3e-d9ad-439b-81c0-e6134cbe70d6 Time=03/08/2021 16:07:11 DataType=performer Type=long_nav MetadataId=4986 ContentId= LibraryId=4986 Text= Genre=
08/03 18:07:15 Info: [stats] 9958mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1424mb Managed, 3489 Handles, 112 Threads
08/03 18:07:24 Debug: [broker/locations/directorystoragelocation] ev_subdirectory, path: E:\1_KLAS
08/03 18:07:30 Info: [stats] 9922mb Virtual, 4409mb Physical, 1424mb Managed, 3470 Handles, 103 Threads
08/03 18:07:42 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
08/03 18:07:42 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 34329ms
08/03 18:07:45 Info: [stats] 9954mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1425mb Managed, 3520 Handles, 111 Threads
08/03 18:07:53 Trace: Successful POST response from
08/03 18:07:53 Trace: [push] connecting to
08/03 18:07:53 Trace: [push] connected
08/03 18:08:00 Info: [stats] 9938mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1425mb Managed, 3541 Handles, 107 Threads
08/03 18:08:15 Info: [stats] 9966mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1425mb Managed, 3587 Handles, 114 Threads
08/03 18:08:30 Info: [stats] 9934mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1426mb Managed, 3561 Handles, 106 Threads
08/03 18:08:45 Info: [stats] 9978mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1426mb Managed, 3633 Handles, 117 Threads
08/03 18:09:00 Info: [stats] 9922mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1426mb Managed, 3578 Handles, 103 Threads
08/03 18:09:15 Info: [stats] 9958mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1427mb Managed, 3635 Handles, 112 Threads
08/03 18:09:30 Info: [stats] 9926mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1427mb Managed, 3620 Handles, 104 Threads
08/03 18:09:45 Info: [stats] 9954mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1427mb Managed, 3661 Handles, 111 Threads
08/03 18:10:01 Info: [stats] 9922mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1427mb Managed, 3648 Handles, 103 Threads
08/03 18:10:16 Info: [stats] 9954mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1428mb Managed, 3698 Handles, 111 Threads
08/03 18:10:31 Info: [stats] 9922mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1428mb Managed, 3687 Handles, 103 Threads
08/03 18:10:46 Info: [stats] 9954mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1428mb Managed, 3735 Handles, 111 Threads
08/03 18:11:01 Info: [stats] 9910mb Virtual, 4409mb Physical, 1428mb Managed, 3707 Handles, 100 Threads
08/03 18:11:16 Info: [stats] 9938mb Virtual, 4410mb Physical, 1429mb Managed, 3750 Handles, 107 Threads
08/03 18:11:24 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=03/08/2021 16:11:26 nextauthrefresh=03/08/2021 16:56:27 nextmachineallocate=03/08/2021 19:56:26
08/03 18:11:28 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[4986, Jaap Schröder]
08/03 18:11:28 Info: [library/performerdetails] 7a004d4e30303031373931323234, 5e01148f9cb6f04eab478c2796ec6f711c8d, a7003137393633, c9003334353538, bf00353631393536
08/03 18:11:29 Trace: [songkick] REQUEST
08/03 18:11:29 Debug: FULL:
08/03 18:11:29 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 8ms
08/03 18:11:29 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
08/03 18:11:29 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 18:11:29 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 6ms
08/03 18:11:29 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 6ms
08/03 18:11:29 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 18:11:30 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 6ms
08/03 18:11:30 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 7ms
08/03 18:11:31 Info: [stats] 9938mb Virtual, 4412mb Physical, 1332mb Managed, 3417 Handles, 106 Threads
08/03 18:11:36 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 3980ms
08/03 18:11:36 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 8ms
08/03 18:11:36 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 8ms
08/03 18:11:36 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
08/03 18:11:36 Debug: [easyhttp] [44] GET to returned after 6589 ms, status code: 404
08/03 18:11:36 Debug: [easyhttp] [46] GET to returned after 6589 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:11:36 Debug: [easyhttp] [47] GET to returned after 6589 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:11:36 Debug: [easyhttp] [45] GET to returned after 6589 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:11:38 Info: [library] saved recent ProfileId=7117ef3e-d9ad-439b-81c0-e6134cbe70d6 Time=03/08/2021 16:11:40 DataType=performer Type=long_nav MetadataId=4986 ContentId= LibraryId=4986 Text= Genre=
08/03 18:11:46 Info: [stats] 9926mb Virtual, 4412mb Physical, 1331mb Managed, 3405 Handles, 104 Threads
08/03 18:11:50 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[4986, Jaap Schröder]
08/03 18:11:50 Info: [library/performerdetails] 7a004d4e30303031373931323234, 5e01148f9cb6f04eab478c2796ec6f711c8d, a7003137393633, c9003334353538, bf00353631393536
08/03 18:11:50 Trace: [songkick] REQUEST
08/03 18:11:50 Debug: FULL:
08/03 18:11:50 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 9ms
08/03 18:11:50 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
08/03 18:11:50 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 18:11:50 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 6ms
08/03 18:11:50 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 8ms
08/03 18:11:50 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 18:11:51 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 6ms
08/03 18:11:51 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 7ms
08/03 18:11:57 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 4027ms
08/03 18:11:57 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 7ms
08/03 18:11:57 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 12ms
08/03 18:11:57 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
08/03 18:11:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [48] GET to returned after 6580 ms, status code: 404
08/03 18:11:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [50] GET to returned after 6580 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:11:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [51] GET to returned after 6580 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:11:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [49] GET to returned after 6580 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:12:00 Info: [library] saved recent ProfileId=7117ef3e-d9ad-439b-81c0-e6134cbe70d6 Time=03/08/2021 16:12:02 DataType=performer Type=long_nav MetadataId=4986 ContentId= LibraryId=4986 Text= Genre=
08/03 18:12:01 Info: [stats] 9922mb Virtual, 4412mb Physical, 1359mb Managed, 3403 Handles, 103 Threads
08/03 18:12:10 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer[4986, Jaap Schröder]
08/03 18:12:10 Info: [library/performerdetails] 7a004d4e30303031373931323234, 5e01148f9cb6f04eab478c2796ec6f711c8d, a7003137393633, c9003334353538, bf00353631393536
08/03 18:12:10 Trace: [songkick] REQUEST
08/03 18:12:10 Debug: FULL:
08/03 18:12:10 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 8ms
08/03 18:12:10 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
08/03 18:12:10 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 18:12:11 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 6ms
08/03 18:12:11 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 6ms
08/03 18:12:11 Trace: [performer/albums] Loading for Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryPerformerDetails
08/03 18:12:11 Trace: [performer/albums] Rebuild() took 7ms
08/03 18:12:11 Trace: [performer/albums] Compute() took 7ms
08/03 18:12:16 Info: [stats] 9962mb Virtual, 4412mb Physical, 1372mb Managed, 3451 Handles, 113 Threads
08/03 18:12:17 Trace: [performer/tracks] Rebuild() took 4071ms
08/03 18:12:17 Trace: [performer/tracks] Compute() took 7ms
08/03 18:12:17 Trace: [performer/works] Rebuild() took 9ms
08/03 18:12:17 Trace: [performer/works] Compute() took 0ms
08/03 18:12:17 Debug: [easyhttp] [52] GET to returned after 6632 ms, status code: 404
08/03 18:12:17 Debug: [easyhttp] [54] GET to returned after 6632 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:12:17 Debug: [easyhttp] [55] GET to returned after 6632 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:12:17 Debug: [easyhttp] [53] GET to returned after 6632 ms, status code: 200
08/03 18:12:20 Info: [library] saved recent ProfileId=7117ef3e-d9ad-439b-81c0-e6134cbe70d6 Time=03/08/2021 16:12:22 DataType=performer Type=long_nav MetadataId=4986 ContentId= LibraryId=4986 Text= Genre=

I am still busy grooming my library on a daily basis and so it goes without saying that having to wait up to 10 seconds each time I want to edit an Artist is real big pain in the proverbial *.
I do so hope that this problem will be tackled decisively in the very near future!
Until then I will of course patiently await your reply.

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