Roon 1.8 will be Live on ….?

He is asking for support finding the ‘feeling impatient’ emoji.
Maybe we should ask the moderators to put it in the support category.

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The emotional support category.


It’s like waiting for the next System of a Down album lol

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I would welcome any release, does not have to be 1.8 as long as the SQ is improved. For me, SQ is the most important, anything else is just secondary. Of course it is always nice to have a few nice additional features.


Sound quality has nothing to do with Roon. It delivers bit perfect, look to your system for improvements.


DSP? Upsampling, etc. nothing to do with Roon? Who does all those?

You can do that already, ROON does it perfect, look to your system

And that’s without any second MQA unfold :stuck_out_tongue:
Seriously though @QuinnT has a point, Roon isn’t the last word in DSP perfection.


Nothing is perfect in the world, never say ever :slight_smile:
Down un-like for your comment.

What I was trying to express was the general sound quality is bit perfect and nothing to do with Roon after that. It’s delivered and up to your system to make the best of it. Job done.
The DSP engine is a complex thing that I don’t feel the need to use. Of course, refinements as to its implementation and control will always be welcome to those who use it.

I personally do not agree with all those comments saying Audirvana sounds better than Roon, but unsure why some feel that it is true. There must be something?

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We already had another thread discussing sound quality.

So last mayor update was on a Wednesday at 3pm. Keeping figures crossed


There is something in it, people choose not to believe it. I recently tried Squeezelite on the same pi endpoint I run Roon bridge on in Ropieee. Both via Roon sounded the same yet same songs played via LMS sounded different yet both are bit perfect. No idea why but they are different. I preferred Squeezelite via LMS it’s not a huge difference but it was different enough to prefer one over the.other some might prefer Roon bridge. But I think work needs to be done on the bridge side and there are many others out there who feel the same.


I did similar test when I had mscaler/Dave with Stack Audio Link II. I could play either as roon endpoint or Squeezelite and quickly switch between the two. I hear minor differences but preferred roon endpoint.

Some quick testing using Focal Arche and still hear differences and now prefer using Sqeezelite. It’s more musical. Roon endpoint has a drier sound.

Anyone with RPi endpoint and RiopeeXL can test this. Enable Sqeezelite and enable Sqeezebox in roon. Then you can select as an endpoint.


When I was talking about the Roon SQ, I was actually thinking that Roon intrinsic integration with HQPlayer and give it for free to us, all loyal subscribers.

I think it is not a bad idea at all !!!


You should listen The Pirates of Penzance :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yep I would agree with your description of the feel of the sound. I found it thicker too much heavier bass, where squeezelite feels faster and forgive me lighter and has more detail in the mid and top range.

A post was split to a new topic: Why was this post flagged?

My only wish/hope for 1.8 would be RELIABILITY, STABILITY and SOLIDITY of what’s already there.

I don’t understand the expectations for a new set of BUGGY bells and whistles that will take 3 iterations to fix.

Just leave well enough alone and get it running correctly, already.


I don’t understand the comments wishing Roon has better SQ. Invest on a better DAC, amp, speakers, and/or headphones. If the bit-perfect audio does not sound good, Roon is not your problem - your system is.