Roon 2.0 Build 1216 and ARC Build 149 is Live!

Hello Everyone,

The primary change in this week’s earlyaccess release is an update of the development framework used by Roon and RoonServer on the Windows platform to Microsoft .NET 6. This change should have no impact on the behavior or performance of Roon on Windows so if you notice anything out of the ordinary please let us know ASAP.

There are a number of additional fixes in this release as noted in the changelog below which address some isolated issues which popped up in last week’s production release.

Thank you for your continued support,
The Team at Roon Labs

What’s new in this release?

Build Numbers

Application Version
Roon / RoonServer 2.0 (build 1216) earlyaccess
Roon ARC 1.0 (build 149) earlyaccess
Roon Remote (Android / iOS) 2.0 (build 1216) earlyaccess


  • Roon and RoonServer for Windows are now based on .NET6
  • Fixed a bug where custom genre tags were not displaying correctly
  • Fixed a bug in which metadata was incorrect on some internet radio stations
  • Fixed a bug with search autocomplete results which caused clicking on “see all” to fail
  • Numerous minor fixes and performance improvements


Cores, remotes, and ARC installations already running earlyaccess should update automatically. If you need to reinstall, the latest earlyaccess builds can always be found at the following links.

macOS: Roon RoonServer
Windows: Roon RoonServer
Linux: Easy Installer Full Package
Nucleus / ROCK: See Help Center
Android APKs: Roon Remote Roon ARC

Information on loading Roon on Linux can be found here. Please use the files linked here in place of those from the help center article when loading earlyaccess.