Roon Core Machine
Sonic Transporter i5
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Connected Audio Devices
Optical connection to OpticalRendu
Description of Issue
- Sonic Transporter successfully updated, I believe - although there is a notification in the Roon app stating “Update Required”???
- Roon 2.0 playing fine when controlled by my iPhone, with updated app
I cannot control Roon now with my MacBook Pro - which I far prefer to using my phone. When I tried to upload the latest Roon app to my MBP is appeared that it is not compatible with Mojave 10.14.6 You need 10.15?
This massively sucks, as it means that my MBP is now redundant as far as Roon is concerned.
Please tell me this isn’t true and there’s a simple solution. I need to use my Mac to control my music collection, not my phone.