Roon 2.0 Sound Quality

Well it isn’t a stream of 1’s and 0’s going down the wire to the DAC, it is some form of a wave and the software that creates that wave has room for improvement. I run Roon from an Innuos processor and there is definite but not massive difference between the native Innuos app and when I use Roon. I still choose to use Roon because I like the interface so much better but I feel the sound quality is better with the Innuos app.

Why does every update raise this question. What developer is going to change their basic audio code to provide an improvement then keep it secret .

If there was any change to improve SQ then I am sure Roon would publicize it , if no changes then why the question ?

Or maybe everything is random and even if you don’t change anything that can possibly affect SQ it still affects it in mysterious ways. Just say a prayer when you ship.

“Some form of a wave”? Please, please, if you don’t know what you’re talking about, stop spreading misconceptions about how digital systems transmit and process data.


Perhaps my ears get bunged up with the excitement of a new release :smiling_imp:

it’s clearly better sound quality with Roon 2.0, yes it’s strange… anyway I’m very happy for the better sound.

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I find 2.0 to have better audio quality !!! The bass is tighter , the mids are more resolving and the highs are airier !!!
I find myself now listening to my ripped cd’s all over again !
The music has become sublime !



What you say is true on the surface. 1’s and 0’s are represented by changes in voltage and those changes must fall within certain values, but if they don’t the result isn’t a degradation in sound, but dropouts.

Therefore, the software that creates the wave has no room for improvement. It either changes voltage within established values for recognizing 1’s and 0’s or it doesn’t. If doesn’t then it’s broken, not in need of improvement.


This is a joke, right? It’s certainly a cliche.

She was out in the kitchen and came running into the room, right?


We do not live in such a cliche. Sorry that I have to dissapoint you. Is it not possible to enjoy music as a couple?




at the end of the day, it’s always an analog wave between your speaker and your inner ear. I’m looking forward to the plug-in digital brain interfaces of the future

I’m getting a lot more 1’s in my streams… i think Roon 2.0 filters out more 0’s than it used to! But only on my local files… weird!


Let me point out that the computer software itself doesn’t create any waves. It only manipulates bits in memory. The waves are produced and consumed by the hardware at the physical transport layer. The end result is that the contents of a buffer at one end is transferred to a buffer at the other end, without losses. There’s nothing software can do to affect the actual voltages on the wires.

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Of course. I am simply responding to this.

Truly, no waves are being created at all. The change in voltage is being displayed as a wave on an oscilloscope. The territory vs. the map of the territory, and all that. (with apologies to Jorge Borges)

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I know I’m overly pedantic, but it seems we need all the clarity we can get.

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Thanks, very good reply.

Thanks for helping me to understand it more fully.


I come here to learn. I am going to bring my admittedly very incomplete knowledge and engage in a conversation. Perhaps you don’t wish to engage in that way?

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I have engaged, albeit a bit too harsh; apologies for that. It is a bit frustrating when people express their views as if they were facts, again and again. I don’t think it’s harmless; it perpetrates misconceptions and allows unscrupulous manufacturers and dealers to profit. I am more than happy to answer any questions you may still have - after reading through the whole thread.