Roon Arc: albums marked as downloaded yet no tracks were downloaded

Roon Core Machine

macOS Monterey 12.6.1
Mac mini (Late 2014)
3 Ghz Dual-Core Intel Core i7
16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Mac mini with Roon Server Ethernet wired
Netgear switch
Fiber internet

iPhone with Roon Arc via WIFI with a Netgear Orbi WIFI mesh router.

Connected Audio Devices

HDMI Marantz AV receiver

Number of Tracks in Library

87483 tracks
4908 albums

Description of Issue

Roon Arc shows albums as being fully downloaded, yet when getting on the detailed view, no tracks are actually marked as downloaded, and they are not.

Hey @Tuong,

You have my sincerest apologies for the delayed response here, we’ve been dealing with a higher-than-usual volume following our release and we’re working as quickly as we can to get back to everyone.

I wanted to follow up on this thread to see if you were still running into this issue on the newest build of Arc? Please make sure you’ve updated your devices and core to the latest build :+1:

From there, please head to your Roon core settings > Roon Arc, and click the refresh tab as well as ‘Reset Roon Arc’ found in your Arc settings.

I’ll be monitoring this thread for your reply :pray:

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