Windows 10 Pro, Acer Aspire z3-715, 16GB RAM, i5-6400T
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Wired network - Orbi Router to SOTM SMS-200
Connected Audio Devices
Denafrips Pontis 2
Number of Tracks in Library
Not relevant - use Qobuz
Description of Issue
Roon client has worked for years in Win 10.mPC. Roon server running fine still on Intel NUC. Can still connect Android client to the Roon server and play music through to the stereo. Have re-installed Roon, re-booted etc. Windows is up to date.
I have created the log file - not sure how to upload it to your dropbox
Hi there, i missed this comment. Yes i did try that (just now) and still wont start.
I did install it on a separate laptop and that booted up just fine and connected to the NUC straight away, so the system is working fine, just not on this PC.
Can you create another local account? After it is created, make sure that you change it to a Administrator. By default it will be setup as a Standard User.
While our team investigates this deeper, could you also test out hardwiring your PC directly to your router, bypassing any network gear, and let me know if the issue persists?
Thanks for giving that a try! As a follow-up, it may be good to completely remove and uninstall Roon from the PC, and attempt a full fresh install to test for corruption in the install files.
This would involve heading into your library folder and removing any Roon file (just make sure you don’t have any backups on the PC you’re removing Roon from.) From there, do a fresh install and let me know if you run into the same issue.
After chatting with the team @Dave_Lawie, we believe the issue may be more related to a miscommunication in hardware data between your PC and Roon. The below article may help with additional next steps:
It sounds as though you have the Compatibility Mode for an earlier version of Windows turned on. You need to turn it off. See:
Right-click the Roon shortcut on your Windows Desktop and choose “Properties” to bring up the Properties window. Select the Compatibility tab and make sure that the “Run this program in compatibility mode” checkbox is NOT checked…
that would have turned on running some of those tests.
Back to square one. The roon log
05/30 20:14:42 Info: Starting Roon v2.0 (build 1272) production on windows
05/30 20:14:42 Info: Local time is 30/05/2023 8:14:42 PM, UTC time is 30/05/2023 12:14:42 PM
05/30 20:14:42 Trace: [roondns] loaded 1 last-known-good entries
05/30 20:14:42 Info: [URI] Checking that FriendlyAppName == Roon
05/30 20:14:42 Info: Registering for URI scheme: Roon, roon
05/30 20:14:42 Info: URI scheme executable path remains “C:\Users\lawie\AppData\Local\Roon\Application\200001272\Roon.dll” “%1”
05/30 20:14:42 Trace: Checking if we are already running
05/30 20:14:42 Trace: Nope, we are the only one running
05/30 20:14:42 Info: Is 64 bit? True
05/30 20:14:42 Info: Loading broo project: ui.broox
05/30 20:14:42 Trace: [realtime] fetching time from NTP server
05/30 20:14:42 Trace: [broo/imagecache] loaded 0 cache entries from C:\Users\lawie\AppData\Local\Roon\Cache\brooimages_1\index.db, current: 512mb / 0mb
05/30 20:14:42 Trace: [realtime] Got time from NTP: 30/05/2023 12:14:43 PM UTC (3894437683877ms)
05/30 20:14:42 Trace: [realtime] Updated clock skew to 00:00:01.0195068 (1019.5068ms)
05/30 20:14:42 Trace: [orbit] init seq=0, pending=0, spcount=7, uidcount=0