Roon constantly disconnecting and Waiting for Roon Core

Roon Core Machine

Verizon Fios G3100 1G router

Connected Audio Devices

Core connected with Ethernet
Bluesound Node 2i connected ethernet
iPad/iPhone as remotes

Number of Tracks in Library

131,899 tracks In library

Description of Issue

Roon core is constantly shutting down. Roon remote is constantly waiting for Roon core. This happens all day and night. Sometimes it connects and plays a few minutes, then stops and say waiting for Roon core.
This is so ridiculous.
I have tried everything I have read and the suggestions by the community, nothing works.
Please help
Also, how do I attach screenshots?

Can someone please help?

@CoochDigsMusic, what are you using for your Roon Core? This looks like a network issue but not sure yet. Are these screenshots from your iPad? If you run music directly from your Core do experience see similar behavior?

Hi Robert. Core is surface pro 7. Roon is unusable on the surface pro 7 also

Yes, screenshots are from ipad

What is your Surface Pro 7 configuration (Windows OS, RAM, storage, CPU)? Have you confirmed that your Windows firewall has been updated to allow exceptions for roon.exe and raatserver.exe? Sometimes there may be multiple exceptions and they conflict with each other.

Running windows 11 on surface pro. And yes, I have those exceptions checked for my firewall

What is the specifc configuration of your Surface? This is a rather large library and I’m wondering if that may be an issue.

Oh, I did notice do not disturb was on on surface pro. Would that cause problem? I turned it off and checking everything now.
Ok, still says waiting for Roon core. Played a little then stopped. So that was not the problem. Neither was the firewall

What do u mean configuration? Also, no problem running Qobuz or Node 2i direct without going through Roon

RAM, hard drive size, CPU. How much of your library is pure streaming and how much are local files?

Ram is 4 gb, cpu is 1.20 ghz
All tracks are from Qobuz streaming, no local files

I believe the configuration is the reason for the behavior. The RAM is low for the size of your library and the CPU is not recommended due to it being underpowered. Have you seen this list of recommended configurations from Roon for a Core:

Thanks, let me look at what you sent

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For large libraries over 100k tracks and/or if you plan on using heavy DSP and multiroom functionality, the specifications of your Core will need to increase to meet the demand. Ultimately the specifications will vary depending on the size of your library, but here are some key points to consider:

  • For large libraries, we definitely recommend using Nucleus+, a similarly powerful RoonOS device, or a powerful Windows machine.
  • You’ll want plenty of RAM and a powerful CPU to handle large libraries.

So, exactly what do I need on a windows machine? Can you advise?

I pasted what I read on your message. Will get new windows machine. Can you advise on exactly how much ram and power I need?

What is my cheapest option to get this running correctly?


For me personally, I would look at recent vintage Intel i5 or i7 PC with at least 16 GB of RAM and a solid state drive for your hard drive. Beyond that I can’t say much more as I don’t know your budget or what other purposes you may need for the PC.

You also may want to look at Roon’s Nucleus Plus or if you are technical build a Roon ROCK.

Thanks, I will consider all. Never thought the surface pro was the problem, but I guess it is

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Feel free @CoochDigsMusic to look around the forum for ideas and ask questions, the community can be helpful with suggestions and answers.

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