ROON Controller is having problems [Solved: Update to Build 970]

Hi @BriggSutton, @Quicksilver, @Reinaldo_Espejo, @alan_whitfield:

We’ve implemented the same backend settings change which should relieve symptoms on your Remote devices in the meantime. The team is replicating the issue to pin it down. We hope to have a permanent fix out shortly and will continue to post updates in this channel.

  1. Restart both Roon and RoonServer on your Core machine twice.
  2. Restart the Mac Remote with the error
  3. Also restart any additional Remote devices (even non-Apple devices) to avoid glitches

Please note: you must fully restart Roon and RoonServer two times for this temporary workaround to take effect. It’s simplest to just reboot your Core and Remotes twice each.

If you continue to experience issues afterwards, post here and we’ll continue to troubleshoot in a dedicated topic.