Roon, could you please get the basic usability stuff out of the way whilst you blaze new trails

So here’s a good one for The roon oddities list:

  • I finish matching up led zeppelins “celebration day” which for some reason roon had as unidentifiable.

So… I search led Zeppelin from home page, telling it only to look in my library. And in the albums section, no sign of celebration day, nor is there the usual option to “view all”

So I turn back on the toggle to include tidal. Now I can see “view all” and right there is celebration day with “library” written right next to it.

There is some seriously odd coding going on there.

Edit: further investigation shows this to be happening with a few artists. The “view all” option from results page only appears if I include tidal results. Even though I have more albums than can be shown in results pane.