Whenever I have some time to get down and listen to music meaning heavy interaction with Roon I find myself increasingly frustrated by the same niggly little usability issues that team Roon are either oblivious to or have very low down or not at all present on a priority list (we all ultimately settle into our own pathways re how we use an app and in doing so become oblivious to or forget issues we don’t encounter in our pathway).
Whilst I look forward to new developments and capabilities within Roon, I do feel that team Roon should not lose sight of things left unfinished, unpolished or poorly implemented. These little things coalesce to ultimately become significant detractors from the user experience and at some point the frustration they bring will outweigh the incremental value any new functionality can bring and they become incredibly difficult to address because they become part of a poor foundation and necessitate revisiting code that’s not been looked at in months/years.
I’m going to post about the little things that come to mind for me. I’ll add to this thread as I encounter them, and I respectfully ask that others do the same - use this thread to post about the little niggles that annoy you, not new feature requests or longstanding issues like box set handling. Issues posted here should generally only require a little polish or fix be added to Roon as it currently is. Use screenshots to illustrate / bring the issue to life for team Roon and other users.