Search results oddities with albums

copied from another thread:

Goldfrapp… I have 7 library albums. If I search goldfrapp I only get to see 6 albums in the results view, no “view more” button.

Then if I include tidal results I get a view more button… and now I can see all seven of my own library albums.

It’s not a tagging issue. It’s an issue with “view more” only appearing when I include non library results (which I don’t want to do).

Hi @David_Crosbie1,

Can you share some screenshots of what you’re seeing here for one example of this? I’m not seeing any issues with the View All screen appearing for local searches when appropriate, so I’m hoping some screenshots might give us some further insight here.


I’ll sort this out when I get home. Now that I’m at a keyboard I can perhaps explain in better detail.

I’m using a surface (windows 10 tablet) running in landscape mode and full screen, to browse library.

Lets use Goldfrapp as an example. I have 7 local library albums for goldfrapp.

If I (from the overview screen) go up to search, search for Goldfrapp, and toggle the switch to show me only library results. I only get 6 album results for goldfrapp, presumably because this is all that fits in the display. The “view all” option simply isn’t there and I can’t see any more.

If I turn off the “search in local library only” option. I get the “view all” button back, and when I go in, I suddenly see my 7th library album.

This happens with every single artist I have where there are more than 6 local albums. (goldfrapp, led zeppelin, radiohead, beck).

I’ll throw some screen grabs up later.

This doesn’t happen on my mobile, because it only returns two albums but immediately lets me “view all”.

If I may join the thread…
I tried this and initially couldn’t reproduce. However, I did finally find one (and so far only one - Oscar Peterson Trio (and not Oscar Peterson by himself)) . I couldn’t reproduce with Beck, Led Zep etc.

All results - view all shows there are 8 library albums

Only library shown - no view all.

Samsung Tab S2 with Rock.

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Indeed that does show the same behaviour. I seem to get it with most artists that have more than the 6 fitting albums. Sounds like a UI bug to do with overflow beyond the 6. There may be some threshold that needs to be met in terms of numbers to show “view” all. But in reality that should be set to any number >6

Thanks @BrianW and @David_Crosbie1,

I think I see what’s going on here. As a test, can you try adjusting the window size of Roon? If you make it smaller does View All appear?

I’ll try tonight. I did think it was something possibly to do with resolution, as the surface runs pretty high res. I’ll test when i’m back later and let you know.

Assuming it is resolution linked, is that something that’s likely to be fixable for next release?

I cannot try that on the tablet, but repeating the test on my PC shows the same behaviour. Changing the size of the window does not affect the layout of the initial search results at all (although it does when viewing view all) and so I still see the same issue.
Windows 10, Display 1280x1024, 100% scaling.

Tried on my laptop. Same result. The initial search screen will not change (3 albums across) no matter what the window size. And the problem remains.
Windows 10. 1920x1080. 125% scaling

Tried 100% scaling. With 3 albums across problem still there, but now I can get 4 albums across - and of course I’m seeing all 8 of my library albums so no problem!

So resolution and window size don’t fix it. Tried going to a lower screen resolution as well as trying the app at different window sizes.

Here we see 8 (I have more) led zep albums

But if I search

Oddly doing the exact same search for “beck” which yields about 15 results happily allows me to click “view all” with only library results.

Seems like some kind of threshold issue for overflow into “view all”

Seems to be the solution would be to always have “view all” available, regardless

We agree.

It occurred to me that if I added one more Oscar Peterson Trio album, I would have 1 more than 8, thus, I could redo my 100% resolution test on my tablet laptop. (Recall that as I had only 8 albums before, I would not have seen a view all_ anyway). So I added, and redid the test…

… And the problem was still there. I now see 8 albums, arranged 4 by 2, and no view all_ when choosing Only show my library.

Over to @dylan

Edited to fix control used.

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Thanks @BrianW and @David_Crosbie1 — I’ll get this over to the team for investigation.

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