Roon Crashes Immediately on Startup (MB PRO M2, Ventura OS) [Solved]

Same issue here, the remote app launches and immediately closes. This started immediately after the latest OS update.

Mac M1Pro chip running OS 12.6.3.

Not the end of the world… have the trusty iPad, but it is inconvenient.

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What’s your setup? I’m anxious to find out when you get a moment.

Thank you!

I’m using Big Sur still, so the problem isn’t just with Ventura. Thank you!

M2, OS 13.2 also

Hi Wes, I’m not part of the problem group, but for reference…

MacStudio M1 Max - 32gb: OS 12.6.3

  • RoonServer 2.0 b1212 early access
  • 2.0 b1212 early access

Hackintosh i9 10900k - 64gb: OS 12.6.3
Hackintosh i5 7600k - 16gb: OS 10.15.7

  • 2.0 b1212 early access

I9 10900k - 64gb Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2

  • 2.0 b1212 early access

iOS iPhone XS: iOS 13.5

  • 2.0 b1212 early access

iOS iPad 11: iOS 13.5

  • 2.0 b1212 early access

All working ok for at least the entire year.

Roon Nucleus
Intel macbook pro macOS Monterey 12.6.3
iPhone 11 pro iOS 16.2
Roon screen pops up for 1/2 a second, then gone. Restarts/reboots, the usual, & nothing.

I’m back on line… had to re boot my Nucleus+ update the software on it and on each device running the remote app. Not sure why it wasn’t seamless, but it all works once each device was reinstalled and updated.

iPhone 12 Pro iOS 16.3.1
iPad on latest.
Macos mb air on Ventura 13.2.1 I believe.
Mac mini from 2018 for running roon core.
Latter is fine still core up and running.
Control devices don’t work.
Output Mac mini to schiit gungnir vía usb. But that’s never been a problem.

UPDATE 18 Feb, 2023: Regards problem of Roon Remote, on iPhone 12, deleted and reloaded from App Store this a.m. and remote control and facility fully restored. Doing same now on other iOS and MacOS devices. Will post any issues but proceeding with this approach. #wes thank you.

UPDATE: later that day, iOS delete and (re)download works fine to restore facility. MacOS not so much (Ventura 13.2.1 on Intel i5.)


I’m having this issue with Nucleus and IPadOS 16.2. Endpoints are Node 2i and Control4 Air Play. Here is what I have tried:

  1. Open a Roon service on my Win10 desktop and disable the Nucleus.
  2. Delete the Roon Remote app on my IPad.
  3. Reinstall Roon Remote.
  4. Now there is no problem connecting to Win10 service and playing music through the Node 2i.
  5. Use Settings to close the Win10 connection and open a connection to the Nucleus. Again no problems playing through the Node 2i.

I first had the issue yesterday and I resolved as above. This morning, I attempted to open the Roon Remote and I once again had the problem with immediate crashes. So I repeated steps 1-5 again and once again all is working.

I hope this helps diagnose the problem.

Wes - just UL log files from Roon core > library >Roon > Log files for past 10 days FYI.
standing by.

UPDATE 2.19.23: Roon core on Mac mini/Ventura is ver 2.0 (build 1128). When attempting to update the s/w, error: “there was an error checking for an update.” I do see it attempt Downloading, switches to installing, and then displays error message.

standing by.

Same issue being encountered on MacOS Monterey. First encountered the problem last Friday - started up Roon Remote and it immediately quit, consistently.

After a few attempts, I deleted the application and redownloaded and installed - same result.

I then renamed the Roon directory in ~/Library to Roon_corrupt and that seemed to solve the issue for a day or so, but I only listened to the Mendelssohn recording that I already had loaded.

This morning Roon quit immediately upon me clicking on a new album to play, and again would not restart without renaming the folder in ~/Library. Failure mode is: every time I click on an album to try and play something, it quits and remains unrecoverable until I rename the folder in ~/Library again. Rinse and repeat.

So clicking on an album triggers the problem.

Roon Remote on this Mac is 2.0 build 1211. Roon core is on build 1154. Not sure why this has suddenly started happening as these versions haven’t changed since last September, looking at the change log.

Checking the logs, I think this is the bit that’s relevant - exception and stack trace (I kinda do this stuff for a living):

Roon Version: 2.0 (build 1211) production
OS Version: Mac OS X 12.2.1
Hardware Version: Macmini8,1
Mono Version: unknown

Application Domain: Roon
Assembly Codebase: file:///Applications/
Assembly Full Name: Roon, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

CPU0 Description: Intel(R) Core™ i7-8700B CPU @ 3.20GHz (64-bit)
CPU0 Num Cores: Physical: 6 Logical: 12

–[ BROOSCRIPT EXCEPTION ]-------------------------------------------

Exception Message: ArgumentNull_Generic Arg_ParamName_Name, source

at ../ui/artistbrowser.broo:139 [c5938d:0329] function anon_5003
at ../ui/main.broo:460          [1edce4c:00f3] function GMS_forward2
at ../ui/main.broo:448          [1edcb8d:020a] function GMS_forward
at ../ui/main.broo:380          [1edc073:03df] function GMS_push
at ../ui/main.broo:952          [1ee002a:00c8] function GMS_go_artistbrowser
at ../ui/home.broo:1470         [11aa184:0012] action

–[ INNER EXCEPTION ]------------------------------------------------
Inner Exception Source: System.Linq
Inner Exception Type: System.ArgumentNullException
Inner Exception Target Site: ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException
Inner Exception Message: ArgumentNull_Generic Arg_ParamName_Name, source
Inner Exception Data: none

–[ Inner Stack Trace ]------------
System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
System.Linq.dll, IL 11, N 76
System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate)
System.Linq.dll, IL 13, N 70160289
Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 546, N 1552
Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 9, N 65
Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 2326, N 13159
Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 0, N 39
Sooloos.Client.Models.VirtualPerformerBrowser.<get_QueryMethod>b__4_0(VirtualQueryParameters virtparams, ResultCallback1 cb) Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 30, N 392 Sooloos.Client.Models.VirtualBrowser4.Refresh()
Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 97, N 448
Sooloos.Client.Models.VirtualBrowser4.set_Focus(FOCUSREQUESTTYPE value) Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 33, N 91 Sooloos.Client.Models.VirtualBrowser4.set_property_focus(Object value)
Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 0, N 72
TypeAdapter_Sooloos_Client_Models_VirtualBrowser_bt_4l_Sooloos_Broker_Api_PerformerLite_c_Sooloos_Broker_Api_PerformerBase_c_Sooloos_Client_Models_PerformerFocus_c_Sooloos_Broker_Api_VirtualPerformerLiteQuery_l.property_set_focus(Binding arg0, Object arg1, Value arg2)
Roon.Client.Desktop.bindings.dll, IL 0, N 157
Broo.Runtime.Binding.SetMember(Value value, String name, Value rhs)
Broo.Runtime.dll, IL 87, N 12056936
Broo.Runtime.Interpreter.Run(Scope scope, BrooxCode code, ArgList args, String name)
Broo.Runtime.dll, IL 3384, N 14467

–[ OUTER EXCEPTION ]------------------------------------------------
Outer Exception Source: Broo.Runtime
Outer Exception Type: Broo.BrooScriptException
Outer Exception Target Site: Interpreter.Run
Outer Exception Message: Exception in brooscript
Outer Exception Data: none

–[ Outer Stack Trace ]------------
Broo.Runtime.Interpreter.Run(Scope scope, BrooxCode code, ArgList args, String name)
Broo.Runtime.dll, IL 4225, N 16716
Broo.Runtime.dll, IL 40, N 12565238
Broo.Engine.TouchNode.DoTouchDone(HitList hits, TouchDoneEvent ev)
BrooEngine.dll, IL 95, N 266
Broo.Engine.Engine.ev_PrimaryMouseUp(Boolean shifted, Single x, Single y)
BrooEngine.dll, IL 79, N 360
BrooEngine.dll, IL 168, N 640
BrooEngine.dll, IL 17, N 108
BrooEngine.dll, IL 135, N 594
Sooloos.Application.Main(String[] argv)
Roon.dll, IL 1322, N 3612

EDITING HERE as the system does not seem to want to let me post any more updates or edit the most recent post (sigh).

ISSUE SOLVED - evidently the automatic update process on the Core box had got stuck and it was running an 1141 build version. I restarted the Core, updated it to 1211 and all was well.

It seems if you’re running build 1211 remotes with an 1141 core, something makes the Remote app crash hard. It would be more user-friendly for customers if the application would present a message saying ‘an update is required to Core before continuing’ instead of a hard crash.

Please ignore my subsequent post, but the error data may still be useful so I will leave it in place.

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I just replicated the issue to get some more log data - here are the server messages at the point the Remote app quit, you can see where it lost connection to the client:

02/19 11:37:06 Info: [metadata/albumdetails] Created album details screen for c800617436646d6c333264306f6d63
02/19 11:37:06 Info: [metadata/albumdetails] 3e01ec647235f593154493edb88410434209,3e01958baeeeba8cf240bddd666242c13e08,3e0166d750d3142ab54c9e70e80d0cbd78e8,a600323532313330373138,c800617436646d6c333264306f6d63,cd00536e4345794934655f654f714f663133346a
02/19 11:37:06 Debug: [easyhttp] [91164] GET to returned after 148 ms, status code: 200
02/19 11:37:06 Info: [remoting/serverconnectionv2] Client disconnected:
02/19 11:37:06 Trace: [raatserver] [M2] lost client connection. Retrying

I noticed an additional exception message which I didn’t include in the last extract:

02/19 11:37:06 Critical: while dispatching events: ===[ BrooScript Exception ]============================================================

System.ArgumentNullException: ArgumentNull_Generic Arg_ParamName_Name, source
    at ../ui/albumdetails.broo:1428 [169411b:03a5] function refreshrelatedalbums
    at ../ui/albumdetails.broo:1785 [16973be:093d] function anon_8885

===[ Managed Exception ]===============================================================

System.ArgumentNullException: ArgumentNull_Generic Arg_ParamName_Name, source
   at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.Where[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
   at Sooloos.Client.Models.MetadataLocalization.UpdateLanguagePreferences()
   at Sooloos.Client.Models.MetadataLocalization.get_LanguagePreferences()
   at Sooloos.Client.Models.AlbumBrowser.<get_QueryMethod>b__13_0(ResultCallback`1 cb)
   at Sooloos.Client.Models.Browser`3.Refresh()
   at Sooloos.Client.Models.AlbumDetail.method_get_albums(Album a, GetAlbumsMode mode, AlbumDatePreference datepref, AlbumOrdering ordering, OrderingDirection direction, Action`1 cb)

02/19 11:37:06 Info: 
Local Time:            02/19/2023 11:37:06 +00:00
Device Serial Number:  <redacted>
User Id:               <redacted>
Roon Version:       2.0 (build 1211) production
OS Version:            Mac OS X 12.2.1
Hardware Version:      Macmini8,1
Mono Version:          unknown

Application Domain:    Roon
Assembly Codebase:     file:///Applications/
Assembly Full Name:    Roon, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

CPU0 Description:      Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700B CPU @ 3.20GHz (64-bit)
CPU0 Num Cores:        Physical: 6 Logical: 12

--[ BROOSCRIPT EXCEPTION ]-------------------------------------------

    Exception Message: ArgumentNull_Generic Arg_ParamName_Name, source

    at ../ui/albumdetails.broo:1428 [169411b:03a5] function refreshrelatedalbums
    at ../ui/albumdetails.broo:1785 [16973be:093d] function anon_8885

--[ INNER EXCEPTION ]------------------------------------------------
   Inner Exception Source:      System.Linq
   Inner Exception Type:        System.ArgumentNullException
   Inner Exception Target Site: ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException
   Inner Exception Message:     ArgumentNull_Generic Arg_ParamName_Name, source
   Inner Exception Data:        none

   --[ Inner Stack Trace ]------------
   System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
       System.Linq.dll, IL 11, N 76
   System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
       System.Linq.dll, IL 13, N 70381633
       Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 546, N 1552
       Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 9, N 65
   Sooloos.Client.Models.AlbumBrowser.<get_QueryMethod>b__13_0(ResultCallback`1 cb)
       Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 386, N 1566
       Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 67, N 375
   Sooloos.Client.Models.AlbumDetail.method_get_albums(Album a, GetAlbumsMode mode, AlbumDatePreference datepref, AlbumOrdering ordering, OrderingDirection direction, Action`1 cb)
       Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 80, N 302

--[ OUTER EXCEPTION ]------------------------------------------------
   Outer Exception Source:      Broo.Runtime
   Outer Exception Type:        Broo.BrooScriptException
   Outer Exception Target Site: Interpreter.Run
   Outer Exception Message:     Exception in brooscript
   Outer Exception Data:        none

   --[ Outer Stack Trace ]------------
   Broo.Runtime.Interpreter.Run(Scope scope, BrooxCode code, ArgList args, String name)
       Broo.Runtime.dll, IL 4225, N 16716
   DelegateAdapters.System.Action`2[System.String,System.String](Function func, String arg1, String arg2)
       Roon.Client.Desktop.bindings.dll, IL 73, N 178
   Sooloos.Client.Models.AlbumDetail.ev_result(Result`1 result, Action`2 cb)
       Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 202, N 773
   Sooloos.Client.Models.AlbumDetail/<>c__DisplayClass12_0.<method_load>b__1(Result`1 res)
       Roon.Client.BrooModels.dll, IL 0, N 43
       Roon.Broker.Api.Remote.dll, IL 32, N 137
   Sooloos.Concurrency.Version.DispatchPostHandlers(Object o)
       Roon.Broker.Concurrency.dll, IL 9, N 62
       Roon.Broker.Concurrency.dll, IL 57, N 109
   Sooloos.Broker.State.BeginAccess(List`1 out_mutated_objects)
       Roon.Broker.Core.dll, IL 67, N 11796198
       Roon.Broker.Core.dll, IL 49, N 152
       BrooEngine.dll, IL 612, N 2540
   Sooloos.Application.Main(String[] argv)
       Roon.dll, IL 1322, N 3612

hey wes, tried powering on / off my nucleaus. roon started - said both my tidal & qobuz logins failed, then quit again. it did stay on longer, but nonetheless still failed. hopefully a solution to restore this is coming?

Um it’s now 3 days or more. Anyone working on this?
All control points are down, useless.

I’m not sure, but I don’t believe Roon people work during the weekend.


No problems here so far.

2020 M1 MacBook Pro. (8 gb RAM, 256 gb SSD), macOS Ventura 13.2.1
2017 MacBook Air (i5 1,8 GHz, 8 gb RAM, 256 gb SSD), macOS Monterey 12.6.3
2020 iPhone SE (iOS 16.3.1)

My core is installed on a Lenovo laptop running on Zorin Linux Pro.

All Roon installations are updated to the latest production version.

Officially, they don’t. However, from the responses earlier in the thread, this issue is clearly under investigation.

Same problem here, on Mac book pro M1 an iPhone 11