Computer Information:
Manufacturer: MSI
Model: MS-7998
CPU Vendor: GenuineIntel
CPU Brand: Intel® Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Windows 10 (64 bit)
Driver: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
RAM: 16343 Mb
Roon version 1.7 build 610 64bit (stable)
Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Netgear Orbi Mesh Network Wifi
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Description Of Issue
When using Roon (not necessarily with music playing), screen will go entirely black, music stops (if playing), roon itself then crashes. I have a support package but not sure how best to provide it.
@noris hopefully you’ve received my support package via DM.
There is no consistency for when it crashes, it crashed 3 times trying to get the version, when all I did was open Roon, click settings, click version…
Thanks for re-confirming that this issue is related to Gsync and not the ASIO driver. Can you please open Windows Start menu and type in “System Information” and share a screenshot of System Summary & Components -> Display? I’d like to get that information over to QA, thanks!
Agreed, I came across a few posts on it and confirmed that is the root cause of my issue. I tried the workaround in that post and was unsuccessful, unfortunately.
Thanks for those system details @Ben_Privett, let me get this info over to the team and I’ll let you know once I have further feedback from them, thanks!
I spoke to the team regarding your case and we plan on looking into this further. I can’t quite comment on when there will be any changes here, but we’ll do some testing on our end and see what can be done.