Hi @Nathan_Wilkes,
Thanks for your report.
I know that at the night the Roon core got its update there was also an update of the Roon API. I wasn’t aware that one of these updates is causing problems and will dive into it.
Hi @Nathan_Wilkes,
Thanks for your report.
I know that at the night the Roon core got its update there was also an update of the Roon API. I wasn’t aware that one of these updates is causing problems and will dive into it.
Is this the crash anyone is seeing?
Specifically the last bit - this.moo.close is not a function
. This seems to happen whenever an extension unpaired due to response timeout, or extension is removed (View -> remove) etc.
*** Uncaught Exception:
*** Message: this.moo.close is not a function
*** Stack: TypeError: this.moo.close is not a function
at Transport.close (D:\GitHub\roon-extension-deep-harmony\node_modules\node-roon-api\transport-websocket.js:47:18)
at WebSocket.Transport.ws.onclose (D:\GitHub\roon-extension-deep-harmony\node_modules\node-roon-api\transport-websocket.js:18:14)
at WebSocket.onClose (D:\GitHub\roon-extension-deep-harmony\node_modules\node-roon-api\node_modules\ws\lib\WebSocket.js:446:14)
at WebSocket.emit (events.js:182:13)
at WebSocket.cleanupWebsocketResources (D:\GitHub\roon-extension-deep-harmony\node_modules\node-roon-api\node_modules\ws\lib\WebSocket.js:950:8)
at Socket.emit (events.js:182:13)
at onwriteError (_stream_writable.js:425:12)
at onwrite (_stream_writable.js:456:5)
at _destroy (internal/streams/destroy.js:40:7)
at Socket._destroy (net.js:606:3)
at Socket.destroy (internal/streams/destroy.js:32:8)
at afterWriteDispatched (internal/stream_base_commons.js:75:17)
at writeGeneric (internal/stream_base_commons.js:70:3)
at Socket._writeGeneric (net.js:761:5)
at Socket._write (net.js:773:8)
at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:410:12)
Have you already tried to update the extension?
If you are using the Extension Manager, then update that first. Once the Extension Manager is updated you can update the Alarm Clock.
Please let me know if this helps.
@Jan_Koudijs, Thanks for the suggestion. I had previously tried updating the alarm clock, as well as uninstall / reinstall, but I had not updated the extension manager explicitly. I have done that now, and then updated the alarm clock, and I’ll see if the alarm clock crashes.
To my recollection, the version numbers did not change. (.71 and .60).
I’ve lost the ability to see the extension manager in my windows core where it was installed. I’ve tried to uninstall node is and reinstall with the installer (as administrator) but never see the node js service listed in services.
@Jan_Koudijs any suggestions? W10 B354
Correct, during an update the latest versions of the API modules are pulled in. My extensions don’t use fixed module versions (yet).
You probably have to perform a full uninstall before the reinstall.
Thanks. The extension hasn’t crashed in a day, so the update process seems to have fixed the problem.
Thanks Jan that did the trick…have bookmarked the page on my windows system this time too - for those that want a results of the install script detail…
Just installed the extension and doing a first trial and I encounter a ‘Wintertime’ issue.
I’m running Roon on QNAP. The time indicated on the QNAP itself is correct.
However the Alarm starts 1 hour later than requested in the alarm.
Where does the extension get its time info from?
Are you running the Docker image of the Extension Manager in QNAP ContainerStation?
If you do so, it is important that you set the correct timezone for the container by setting the TZ environment variable. More information about getting the settings right is in this thread:
My bad. My core is on QNAP, but I have in between dietpi endpoints where I installed the extension manager and the alarm clock extension and this dietpi had the wrong time.
This version includes source selection for Play alarms!
You can read more about it in the feature thread:
I hope you like it, suggestions are welcome.
The recommended way to install or update is via the Roon Extension Manager .
If the manager has auto update enabled then the changes will be pulled in the next time the update is performed. It is also possible to update manually via the Settings dialog, select the Alarm Clock from the Playback category and perform the update action.
Many thanks Jan! You nailed it!
This is a bug fix release.
The bug that is fixed is the one reported by @Bart_Maguire in this thread:
The recommended way to install or update is via the Roon Extension Manager .
If the manager has auto update enabled then the changes will be pulled in the next time the update is performed. It is also possible to update manually via the Settings dialog, select the Alarm Clock from the Playback category and perform the update action.
Hi @Adam_Goodfellow - I get the “this.moo.close()” error using a different extension. I think I have the latest version of the extension installed. I think it happens when I haven’t been using Roon for a while; though I can’t reproduce it by putting the computer to sleep. Can you offer any insights what the error might mean?
Thank you for your work on this!
I have installed and I can set alarms. I am trying a simple, instant shut off. All looks ok, but the player doesn’t shut off. I have selected the correct zone, etc. I do have TZ variable set.
Perhaps it is my setup. I have Roon core on a SonicTransporter and have installed Alarm Clock on my Synology NAS via Docker. I use an Android Tablet for control. Does Alarm Clock have to be installed on the same device as the core, by any chance? If so, is it possible to install on the SonicTransporter (Sonicorbiter OS - a Linux variant)?
No, it doesn’t.
In my case, the problems I had having music turn off were related (it seems) to network issues. Essentially, once I wired every node my problems largely went away.
Can you post a screenshot of the configured alarm?