I simply hit “Save” as a precaution after every Roon Core update.
That’s really strange. On what hardware / OS is alarm clock running?
On next occurrence it would be helpful to share the log files (assuming you are using Extension Manager). Getting the log files is described here.
Many thanks! It’s running on what probably is a RPi4B, using the Roon extension manager @DietPi. Not sure how or where logs are retreived from, but will post if I find them and if the alarm gets inactivated again (as I’m giving it a go again, using my phone’s alarm as a safety alarm).
Thansk for the explaination and screenshop dear @Nathan_Wilkes , as it makes things much clearer. Wouldn’t have worked for me as my 4 alarms did get inactivated after Roon updates. Saving the inactivated state wouldn’t have helped. I’m sorry not to have explained better previously. Thanks again and have a nice evening, wherever you are.
Time to find logs, as it didn’t work this morning. Haven’t seen any Roon update warning last night before going to sleep. Will ask wife later on. Is what I should try to look for just logs from Roon server database or else, please? Many thanks in advance.
Please follow the instructions in the link I provided earlier. If you run into a specific issue, let me know.
Apologies, should have paid more attention!
Alarm clock logs collecting is a very easy process once you understand that the “collect logs” option is selected despite the fact it doesn’t stay in the selection box. It does apear at the bottom of the dialog box though, but I didn’t expect to see it down there so was puzzled. Gives the wrong impression it’s unavailable or disabled at first. My glasses aren’t all that clean this morning.
Anyway, should I paste the very stuffed alarm clock logs down here or do I send the roon-extension-alarm-clock.log file directly to you? Very many thanks for your time and kindness. It’s fantastic!
EDIT: Wife vaguely remembers to have accepted a Roon update proposal Monday 2nd December (the day before the alarm didn’t go off).
Hi @MBI,
I had a look at your logs and saw that you are using non-repeating alarms. As I’m only using repeating alarms I setup a now-repeating one and performed a Roon update that was still pending. After the update all set alarms remained active, including the non-repeating one.
As I cannot reproduce, I can only advice to setup Roon to “ask before update” (if not done already) and make sure to verify settings after an update is performed.
Could the Alarm clock extension be made to work with Smart Playlists? Smart playlists appear in the drop-down menu in Alarm Clock, but don’t seem to play at the designated time. Thanks for considering it!
Currently the Roon API has issues with playlists. The Roon team is looking into it:
There are a LOT of pages to read about this extension. Is it possible to install it on a Nucleus One?
No as a Nuclues (or Rock) do not support extensions.
A Raspberry Pi is probably your best bet
I bought a Nucleus One a couple of weeks ago. Thank you, I thought I would ask just in case.
If you have an old Roon server you could always put DietPi (X86) onto it and run Extension manager on that. If not a Raspberry Pi is about the easier way
@David_Haslett If you have a Raspberry Pi running RoPieee and Alarm Clock is the only extension you want, you can also enable it with one click on the Advanced tab in RoPieee.