@Christopher_Helm - assuming you are referring to RHEOS on Synology NAS?
You can use Docker image (container manager) in one of two ways:
- use the docker image Peter publishes
- use the app engineer docker image referenced above and use it to manage the rheos install
you can either use the Container Manager app on synology and use the gui to config the rheos instance or install something like portainer first…
I think i have posted in this thread a long time ago screen shots on container manager… let me know and i can republish here…
Yes, the screen shots would be helpful, thanks
I started making a Container Manager (CM) step by step – I will use the Project way in CM to make the container as its way more flexible. If you dont like it, i can create the GUI version.
I am pretty tech savy, so what ever you can provide would be great. I have CM installed now on the NAS.
so trying to not use my macvlan for the screen shots is difficult…
do you have multiple networks on your NAS - that is, if you have more than one NIC, are the NICs on different subnets etc?
my problem is when i try to use HOST it keeps grabbing my No Internet network card on the NAS (i have the 4 nics plus two 10gig nics all configured differently) –
if you just have one network on your nas, i will finish the install steps but cannot show you it running)
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I have two, but they are bonded together. Only one IP.
if this doesnt work (if you cannot read it) i will pm you a link or send a file if pm lets me…
Ok, looks like i was successful and it is running. Next step?
sweet - lets make sure its runngin…
go to the container tab and click on the name of your rheos container…
should look like this:
*mine is not started - it should say running in upper right
- look at IP address - is it on the same subnet as roon?
if so, its time to go over to Roon and enable squeezebox and the extension…
- enable Squeezebox
- enable the extension (RHEOS)
- enable the Audio endpoints / name them
- go back and config RHEOS
the RHEOS extension will have a button that says ENABLE instead of SETTINGS - click it
enable the squeezebox devices shown (these are being presented from the RHEOS extension)
lets check another thing - lets make sure permissions are correct - the config.json should now be larger than zero bytes - RHEOS has written json to it… refresh the file browser and see if the file size changed…
next up: configure RHEOS | Settings ->Extensions ->RHEOS’s “settings” button
these settings you will need to review Peter’s documentation on GitHub for what you want…
ONE MORE THING: for me, and its probably my locked down network, but after a lot of changes in the config and settings I have to stop both RHEOS, then ROON, then start Roon then RHEOS – not often anymore BUT I think is as much of a Roon cache issue on extensions than rheos…
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I had to get out of my office for the day, I will apply all these settings in the AM, I really appreciate your help with this. I never would be able to figure all this out. I will update in the AM
no worries - i knew nothing of docker before rheos – it will make sense as you use it and start using more containers…
the marius hosting site is pretty good - he always forces the use of the admin user (your admin acct) and i try to change that when i can now… Peter is going to look into exposing a way for us to map the uid/gid later…
get Portainer installed - you can use one of two methods marius shows:
Synology: 30 Second Portainer Install Using Task Scheduler & Docker – Marius Hosting
How to Install Portainer on Your Synology NAS – Marius Hosting
I used the former, then moved to the later once Container Manager went GA.
then you can move the rheos to portainer (copy the yaml text and you are done)
you will go from just RHEOS as a container to dozens pretty quickly…
my favorite is PAPERLESS-NGX – in the past I would use the ScanSnap to just scan documents to a document share on the NAS - but PAPERLESS - wow - sweet tool…
back to Roon stuff, I have DrCWO stuff running on rasb-pi then several Extension in docker containers: macroon (macro tool I use flic buttons all over the house to start playlists), roon web ui. minim server to stream dsd 5.1 files to the oppo…
Ok, I have everything done, now to test. I take all i need to do is switch the Denon to heos to listen?
roon/rheos will typically automatically switch the denon avr’s to heos input – and turn on the avr – although there have been times the avr wont turn on via roon…
if all is well, in your ‘select audio’ in the roon app, your rheos audio devices should show up…
click the select audio or the device already selected on the bottom right
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Works flawlessly. Small complaint, would be nice to have album art. But can have everything right, lol
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its a limitation of some of the API - but Peter was looking into the LMS api’s to see what could be done.
I run a rasb pi for rooDial and rooMax - I have the hdmi of that plugged into my AVR and can use the roon display feature there…
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Am working hard on it - once you are familiar with the “latest” version I will be looking for brave souls to test the new “test”.
The last one posted was flawed and I have been looking at work arounds so hang tight.
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I will test it, just let me know.