Roon follows the songs of an album quickly and without any sound

Roon follows the songs of an album quickly and without any sound.

Hi @Miquel_Arbones_Subir

So we can better assist you, please provide a brief description of your current setup using this link as a guide.

Make sure to describe your network configuration/topology, including any networking hardware currently in use, so we can have a clear understanding of how your devices are communicating.

Is this happening for every album? Streaming and local?

Roon follows the songs of an album quickly and without any sound. I have uninstalled Roon and I have reinstalled with the update of the Core, which is located on the iMac, 2017, 32 GB. I use the iMac itself to play from the core that is connected to a NAS and Qobuz. Qobuz by its own software works perfectly, not so Roon. My network works perfectly and Roon imports the albums without any problem. The problem is when it comes to reproducing them. The audio equipment is the iMac itself and an Appogee Quartet.

If you play local content to System output does the issues still occur?

How is the iMac connected to the network? Can you give some details on this?

Hi Dylan:
In local with J River Media Player runs fine.
My network is connected to a Asus RT AX88 router with cable Ethernet cat 6

Does System Output in Roon work?

No, I have tried with System Output and Quartet.

Thanks, @Miquel_Arbones_Subir. Please try playing to system output once more with local content and then note the exact local time + date when this issue occurs and the name of the track that was playing and upload your Roon Logs by using these instructions. The best way to get them over to me would be via Dropbox / Google Drive, but if you don’t have either service please let me know and I can provide alternate upload instructions.

What you ask me is difficult since the tracks follow one another quickly both with the System Otput and with the Quartet. With Dropbox it¡s perfect for me…

Hi @Miquel_Arbones_Subir, just let me know the name of the track that you try to start playback on (you don’t need to name the rest once it is skipping) and that’ll work. Thanks!

Do you can look the video ???

Thanks, @Miquel_Arbones_Subir — Can you send along the Dropbox link with the logs as well so I can take a look?

Hi @Miquel_Arbones_Subir

Can you zip up the entire logs folder? I’m not seeing playback for the !!! album in that log file, so I’ll need access to the other logs. Thanks!

Ok I send you, but the issue don’t only in !!! playback it’s in all library…

Hi Dylan

Do you received the file correctly…???

Hi @Miquel_Arbones_Subir, I took a look at the logs, but I need some input from our QA team. I’ll follow up once I have their feedback.

Ok Dylan…
Today I have seen that there are users who have the same problem as me.