Roon just removed approx. 300 Qobuz albums from my library

Roon Core Machine

Custom Roon/Media server running Windows Server 2016 with Intel Celeron chip J4105 @ 1.5Ghz, 8GB RAM, 64 bit

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Wired ethernet connection from Eero hub via 2 basic switches

Connected Audio Devices

USB Dac, Dell laptop and Ipad mini remotes

Library Size

Currently 727 albums, was >1000 earlier this morning – predominantly qobuz, but some tidal (60+), hard drive (235)

Description of Issue

300+ albums disappeared from my library, including the album I was playing at that time. I immediately went into History, saw that many of the albums I had recently listened to and added to the library were listed as “unavailable” in red. Rebooted my server and the albums were still missing, but no longer listed as unavailable, just missing from the library. For example, Jocelyn Pook’s Flood album and John Carroll Kirby’s Septet album, just gone from my library.

Hi @Ben_Goldberg

Please see our post about this here: