Roon login hangs on startup

Windows 10, i7, 32 GB, 64-bit Roon.

The software hangs after I click the login button. I’m not sure how to troubleshoot from here. I see a few complaints about this, but no solutions on the forums.



Flagging @support for you. They’ll probably need to know a little more about your setup to help in diagnosis. See here.

Hi @Nathaniel_Bonini ---- Thank you for the report and my apologies for the trouble here. As @Geoff_Coupe has suggested, a brief but accurate description of your current setup, will greatly help in our evaluation of this issue :sunglasses: The more detailed you can be, the better.

Moving forward, can you expand a bit more on this issue you are experiencing? How long is the average wait time, while trying to log in (approximately)? Does re-booting your core help this issue at all?

I look forward to your feedback and getting this worked out for you!


I sent you the information requested via email, but have not heard back in 2 days. As this product is not working, can you please cancel my account?

My computer:

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

Roon never logs in. See screen shot. I get this screen, then nothing.

Hi @Nathaniel_Bonini ---- Thank you for flagging me down here, I am sorry to have missed your e-mail. We typically handle all of our support here on community, which e-mail address did you try to contact me at?

Moving forward, I would like to grab a set of logs from you so our developers can have a closer look into this issue and will be contacting you via PM momentarily with instructions. In the meantime I would like to gather some more information from you for my report.

  1. I see based on your user information that you joined the Roon 3 days ago, were you able to login without issue initially OR has it just been this way for three days?

  2. Have you tried to re-install the application yet?

I understand that this is very frustrating and appreciate your patience.


Hold off on the cancel request. I’ve been trying to email. I will get you the logs this weekend. I have never been able to log in to Roon. Can you extend my trial until we get this sorted? I’m really interested to test your product.



@Nathaniel_Bonini ---- Thank you for following up with me. We will gladly extend your trial period for you. Let’s take a look at the logs, get this sorted out for you, and then we will add two more weeks for you.

Here is a link to the PM I sent you for log gathering:


Thanks, Eric! I really appreciate that.