Roon now takes a very long time to start

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Mac OS 10.13.6
Roon 1.6 (Build 475) stable (64bit)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Xfinity Gateway Modem (model and manufacturer not apparent to me).
I have a wired ethernet connection from my iMac to my Apple Airport which is in turn ethernet wired to the modem.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

PS Audio Direct Stream DAC with Network Bridge (This device shows on and ready while Roon still won’t open.)

Description Of Issue

I don’t understand what has happened here. My original query regarding slowness was acknowledged as a known issue but now appears to be closed.

Meanwhile the delay in opening Roon is only getting worse.

I am also experiencing an extraordinary slowness when I open Roon as well.

Occasionally I get an error message that says:

Error loading page. Please check your network connection. Reload page.
However, my network connection (which I checked both before and after opening Roon) is not the problem. My speed is 326.8 Mbps.

Also, albums I have selected in Tidal – because I became so impatient waiting for Roon to open – do NOT appear in Roon. I did make sure to close Roon and then restart it after electing the new albums in Tidal, but that did no good.

Can someone explain what is going on?

[Moderator edit: reports consolidated, duplicates removed]

Looking at your posting history you seem to have posted your problem in a thread that was dedicated to a sudden problem with Qobuz and Tidal. As that particular problem was resolved all of the postings were marked as solved.
You have now successfully started a new thread and no doubt support will be along soon.

Geoff, I would suggest you have a networking issue. Possibly the Xfinity modem and Apple Airport are fighting to assign DHCP addresses on different networks, and this is messing things up.

Might I suggest you simplify your network, if only to test. Diagnosing network issues is often beyond the scope of this forum.

Thanks. I am not able to “simplify” the network. Without the Airport we do not get the coverage throughout our home that we need. Moreover I have used the same network since I first started using Roon. It is only recently that this problem has appeared.

I understand from a comment elsewhere that Roon has agreed to look into this. That’s all I was asking for.

If my original comment was made in the “wrong place” I wish someone had told me at the time. Instead it was acknowledged as a known issue.

Let me say the following as politely and carefully as I can: There appear to be all sorts of “protocols” concerning how to ask for help here. I have managed to navigate them in the past and some people have been very helpful. But I am not a “regular” here. I am more interested in listening to music than discussing these issues. So I often get confused by the protocols. I intend no offense to anyone. But I doubt I am the only person who is often unsure where to post or how to get help.

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No problems with people asking for help.


When exactly did the slowness occur?

It occurred and continues to occur whenever Roon has been closed down and is then reopened.

While Roon remains open there is occasional slowness in responding to a search request or some other command.

But the main problem I am raising has to do with opening Roon the first time.

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One thing that’s often suggested is to change the DNS to google ( or cloudflare (

A post was merged into an existing topic: Roon takes minutes to start + general slowness

Hi @Geoff_Mirelowitz and @bobbmd,

I’ve extracted your above posts to this fresh thread as you both appear to have continuing issues. Support staff will look in and can hopefully fix this for you.

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A post was split to a new topic: Roon takes a while to start

Unrelated to my Roon issue, I made some changes to my WiFi network today due to a change in internet service. The previous Gateway provided by Xfinity has been replaced with a more modern one (also provided by Xfinity). As a result I was able to remove the Apple Airport router from my network.

This appears to have resolved the issue of Roon opening too slowly – for now. It took between 90 seconds and two minutes from the time I clicked on the Roon icon on my iMac, for the program to open and allow me to play music. That is what I was accustomed to for months before I began to experience the problem of super slow opening. If 90-120 seconds to open is longer than what I should expect, a problem still exists. Please advise.

Please note the network setup and related equipment I was using prior to today’s change worked fine with Roon for well over a year. I still have no idea why it stopped working as it did before but for now the problem seems to be solved.



That’s great news, glad to hear normal service has been resumed.

Pure speculation I know but I wonder if your ISP pushed a firmware update down to their older network equipment and it was that that triggered the Roon slow down. I’ve seen this before, where the DNS performance from an ISP goes down the pan, and that wreaks havoc with Roon which is heavily dependent on having low latency in this respect.

Would you like me to close this topic as now solved?
(If you were to need it reopening just Private Message (PM) @moderators and one of us will oblige.)


It’s fine with me to close the topic but…somewhere I read you had written to @bobbmd that you are trying to get him some help as well. So perhaps the topic should stay open until he has received assistance.

Your answer offers an example of what can be so frustrating to some of us on this site with regard to computer “literacy” and Roon community “protocols.” And I say this NOT as a criticism of anything you wrote but to make a point.

I have no idea what this means:

“…where the DNS performance from an ISP goes down the pan, and that wreaks havoc with Roon which is heavily dependent on having low latency in this respect.”

Hi Geoff,

Ideally Roon should work for everyone who wants to listen to music, not just those who are computer literate. Another way of expressing what Carl wrote is as follows:

One of the things that Internet Service Providers (ISP) provide is the service that turns the words in an Internet address into numbers that computers use. This is called the Domain Name System (DNS) and can be thought of as a phone book. The resources that individual ISPs provide to conduct this service can vary. The time that it takes for computers to respond to each other on the internet is called “latency”. So when an ISP has issues with their DNS latency it can make Roon slower because Roon makes many DNS requests.

Are you using a major ISP ? Sometimes it can be interesting to change DNS to the publicly available servers provided by Google or others just to see if it makes a difference. This involves some fiddling about with internet settings but here are guides for Windows and Mac.


@Geoff_Mirelowitz, good feedback; my whole career has revolved around electronics, digital control systems and software … so all of this ‘tech stuff’ is very familiar to me.

If we were chatting in person I’d spot the blank look, change tack and offer additional explanation along the lines that Andy has just provided (thanks @andybob)

… the problem with forums in general is we don’t know anything about the poster … which is especially true with new members … my best advice is to ask questions, lots of questions … Google can help sometimes but if you need any help with terminology please feel free to contact me via PM and I’ll try to help.

As for this topic, I’ve marked it as solved… which means it will automatically close 2 days after the last post. I’m mind full of Robert but believe he will be best served in his own topic.

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Thank you.

Not even sure what a “major ISP” is. I think I have one. I use Xfinity.

Thank you also Carl. I appreciate the help.

Things got off on the wrong foot in part because folks who may be more experienced do not realize how annoying it is to feel as if one is being blamed for not understanding all the protocols and terminology.

I think Xfinity is Comcast, which is major but not necessarily good.

Cloudflare has a good reputation as a fast public DNS for North America.

Hi @Geoff_Mirelowitz,

I’m glad that you seem to be up and running correctly now and that changing your router has resolved things. If you see any issues return or have any other questions please feel free to reach out.

@bobbmd — We will be reaching out to you in the topic you previously opened shortly.

[Note — I have cleaned up this post and moved some posts to their own support threads so we can better address these issues individually and I have removed some off-topic posts per our Support guidelines]

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