Roon Nucleus not powering on; suspected dead power supply (ref#0EUUJV)

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What’s happening?

I'm having trouble with my audio device

Roon Nucleus is dead. No power. No lights. I think the power supply is dead. I used a multimeter and did not register any voltage from the tip to the barrell.

Two questions:

  • Is the unit still within the 2 year warranty period?
  • Did you buy it from a dealer or direct from Roon Labs?

Your answers will determine the next steps. Thanks.

I bought this about 2 months ago from the Roon store. Order (#4532)

I checked the power supply with a multimeter and there is no voltage from the tip to the barrel. Can you send me a new power supply?

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Hello? Is this on? Testing 1…2…3.

This is your idea of customer support? It’s been 2 days since your last response. Can you please address this for me?

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Hey @Sharon_Westfall,

Ben with the support team here, thanks for taking the time to write in! I appreciate your patience as well - we’re a small team and working as fast as we can navigating through each thread. :slightly_smiling_face:

We certainly can, but we’ll need you to send in the issue power supply first. I will follow up via a private message to get this process started.

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Wow! That’s really pathetic. Roon is the core of my audio system. If I didn’t have a backup device, I’d be struggling to listen to my music. I bought a lifetime subscription and purchased a Nucleus, and this is the kind of customer service I get!?! You sell power supplies on your store for $30, so I’m guessing you pay about $10. But you want me to send back a broken power supply at my cost plus wait days or weeks for this to go back and forth.

I will buy my own replacement power supply… And I will tell everyone not to buy a Nucleus because your customer service is so terrible. I don’t know if this is part of the Harmon takeover or not, but you really need to rethink your approach to customer service.

This is by no means a solution. A solution would be that you would overnight me a new power supply.

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Hi @Sharon_Westfall,

I’m sorry you feel this way - any replacement part goes through our RMA process, it’s standard procedure and nothing to take personally. Apologies if this process doesn’t meet your expectations!

We’d be happy to continue the process if you’d be willing to fill out the information I sent over yesterday. At the very least our RMA team will confirm the issue power supply and issue you a credit for the newly purchased supply. I’ll monitor the PM for your follow up. :+1:

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