Roon on Teufel Raumfeld Multiroom

hi, im thinking about getting roon, not subsribed yet.

i do have a raumfeld multiroom setup with M, S and a Connector for Vinyl and CD for being the master.
i have quite a flac library on a 5TB disk connected to it.

would it work at all, what challenges will i face?

how would things be set up with roon?
(would i use a roon server install somehow, not sure what it actually means)


I don’t believe they are Roon ready devices so you would not be able to use them as endpoints, unless they have airplay support but that will limit you to 44.1k listening

they dont have airplay, but they do have google cast …

i’ve seeen this thread which gave me some hope, but didn’t really understand it:

Roonbridge is software that can be run on computers or similar hardware devices turning them into Roon endpoints, look at it as a cost effective DIY approach. It can run on Intel or arm devices such as the raspberry pi solid state computers that support a Linux based operating system. Its not really designed to be installed on existing audio kit, although it’s feasible if the CPU and sound card etc is supported by the bridge software and you can work out how to install it on the device. If your a novice to such things you could easily break kit and render it useless. Your much better off either changing the entire kit for something that supports Roon if really want it or just not bother with Roon at all. If your Raumfeld speakers have audio inputs then you could build low-cost endpoint on a Raspberry pi with a DAC board and feed it in.

got it, thx!

roon and raumfeld are both now supporting googlecast.

so you can actually run roon core on a computer and have it play on my raumfeld speakers via gCast.

now i wonder how i make this happen without having to have a laptop running.

any links about how to get a usb disk with some TB of files attached to a dedicated screenless cheap machine (raspberry maybe?)


You can’t Roon core will not run on a pi. You really need a minimum of an i3 processor.

what about getting a roon nucleus?

will it stream from 2 usb disks over gCast to my raumfeld speakers?

do i have to connect the usb drives to the nucleus directly or can they be anywhere in the network (eg connected to the fritzbox router)?


Hi there, I’m totally new to Roon. Installed Roon just this morning on my Mac running core. It was a blast. A monkey can do this. And guess what. My older Raumfeld Connector just popped up as an endpoint. Just by itself. I can play music via the Raumfeld Connector. I was pleasantly surpised. Also the artwork plays simultanously on the tv via Chromecast. Can’t get it working on a desktop browser though. I have to look into that more. So yes, you can use Raumfeld Connector playing Roon. I think just not with the better Roon Ready sound. For my two weeks test it works. My next step is getting the Argon Solo. Have fun.

Yes you can use a browser copy the url link Roon gives you.

@CrystalGipsy. Thanks. After restarting Roon it recongnized my browser also. All good now.

mind though - only Gen2 Teufel/Raumfeld devices will show up since they are Chromecast Ready. Gen1 and Gen3 are not.

very satisfied running Argon Solo via Roon (Essentials).

Cool. So I’m lucky with a Gen2 Teufel/Raumfeld then. Using Roon and Raumfeld it plays just like using Spotify connect (doh!). Gonna order the Argon today. Playing around with Roon for several hours now convinced me to take the next step. Hope it sounds better then the Raumfeld Connector. That device was ahead of it’s time for sure. Rock Hard.