Roon performance terribly slow since v 2 build 1221

@benjamin — same here :disappointed_relieved:

FWIW after upgrading to 2.0.26 build 1357, my serches no longer crashed, they were still somehow slow to my taste BUT it has been impronving as times goes by, so I suspect some caches needed to be refreshed.

fingers crossed on my side that after unbearable weeks things are getting better and better.

@franck_boissiere @benjamin — that would be wonderful if that’s the solution (refreshing cache) can you describe how to do this and where?

sorry I did not mean to do a refresh by yourself, just that the caches are cleaned up and refreshed by the system as time goes by.
Unless there is a way to refresh the caches hidden in the settings (I dunno)

So, still no solution here then :thinking: :cry:
@benjamin – any ideas how to proceed?

Happy X-mas, everyone :christmas_tree:

@benjamin - I wish you and the roon teams a happy new year!

As a follow up on this endless desaster:
If anything, the performance got worse after the new update.


Hi @Michael_Putz,

Thanks for letting me know your still running into performance issues, and happy new year as well!

I was able to review your Nucleus diagnostic, and have a few follow up questions:

  1. For the tracks you currently have imported in your database, what percentage are still assigned Tags?
  2. To confirm, your most recent database was created fresh, with freshly imported tracks correct?

Thanks as always for your patience @Michael_Putz :pray:

@benjamin -

re 1:
In my library are 5,068 albums in total; 8 of them with a tag (one).
In my library are 60,515 tracks in total; 1,411 of them (2%) with one tag. Overall, I do use four different tags for tracks. No track does have more than one tag.

re 2:
Yes. I’ve replaced the storage device in my Nucleus. I’ve copied all tracks on it a couple of months ago.

Thanks for following this up

Hi @Michael_Putz,

Thank you for the info.

And how many tracks have one of these four different tags?

@benjamin - 1,202 tracks have one particular tag (“doublet”).

Thanks @Michael_Putz, those numbers should be no problem at all. I hope to have more information to share soon :+1:

@benjamin - also the very last update didn’t improve. Painstakingly poor performance :-/

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Last week’s update did nothing to improve my slow performance either. Slow searching (especially in Tracks), as well as editing, and also I frequently get pauses between tracks while playing to Sonos. This has all been going on since the rollout of v2.

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Same here :sob:

Same here. For some time now Roon has been almost un-usably slow unless I close and restart the Roon server appliance task every few days.

I posted about what looks like a big memory leak in Roon server, over in the thread

Roon is very slow (10-20 seconds to start playback)

The roon server app just slowly consumes all of memory and then everything slows right down.
But I did not get a reply there and then that thread was automatically closed.

This topic was automatically closed 36 hours after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

How is that helpful?
It is still badly broken :frowning:

You posted your issue in a Support thread where a different issue was being addressed. That issue was solved and hence the thread was closed.

My apologies… I did not realise it was a different issue… it sounded pretty similar to me. ie. Roon is very slow to start playback and that problem becomes worse as Roon Server consumes more and more memory.

I provided what I thought may be relevant additional information that this problem appears to reset if I close and restart roon server and that the slowness affects more and more things as time goes on. I also went to the trouble to provide information on my setup and evidence of a clear memory leak that I thought might be involved.

If TPTB decide that my issue is not relevant to the case at hand then they should inform me so and perhaps move my post to another case.

In the interests of streamlining support and not asking questions that are already answered elsewhere I always search for similar issues/posts before posting an issue of my own. Should I not be doing this? Should I post a new topic instead?

There was also no clear indication (to me, visible in the thread) that the support case had been solved. Yes, I know there was a “Solved” tick below the OP but there were also other people saying that the update DID NOT FIX the slowness for them… seems to me to be reason enough to re-open or keep the case open.

More important than all of the above… what should I do to ensure that this serious issue gets attention? This is ruining Roon for me and I would very much like to help see that it gets fixed.
There is clearly (?) a big memory leak. Is no-one going to address that?


I am one of the “Many Others” seeing a same/similar problem. I am trying to help.

This RamMap screenshot is after less than 48 hours since my last restart of Roon Server. This problem has been going on for a long time. It is making Roon very frustrating to use.

Is that not a memory leak?
When I close and restart Roon Server the memory use is back to around 800MB. It creeps up steadily from there with Roon becoming slower and slower. That is pretty much exactly what I would expect to see with such a memory leak.
At 2.5GB like in the screenshot Roon is still just about useable but much beyond 3GB (on my dedicated Roon server - Win10 on 8GB i5 NUC) and usability rapidly plummets. At 4.5GB it even starts pausing in mid playback and connections get dropped.

By all means look to see if your issue has already been resolved and the solution works for you, but if not, it is better to post a new Support Request rather than piggy-backing on an already open SR. The reason is that issues may have similar symptoms, but different underlying causes, and the Support team need to know the details of your particular setup, which you give in your SR.

Occasionally, many people will experience the same issue, and then the Support team may ask explicitly for all reports to be posted in the one thread - that’s the exception to the rule…

This is great. I run Roon on Nucleus, where I don’t think I can see these stats. But to me Roon has behaved for a while as if there is a memory leak. Needs rebooting regularly – was every week, but now is every day.