Roon & Qobuz issues

I have a problem with Qobuz OR Roon, but I don’t know which it is causing the issue.

I have Roon Core installed on a powerful Mac with lots of RAM, and I use a Lumin streamer. I also have ripped CDs stored on a NAS.

Roon successfully finds all of my ripped CDs on the NAS (about 1000)

However, just recently, of the 21,000 albums that I had added to my Qobuz profile, and which HAD been showing up in Roon for all the last year, all of a sudden, only about 1000 Qobuz choices are showing up via Roon. The rest are missing.

However, ALL 22,000 Qobuz marked albums show up on the Qobuz app or the Lumin app.

I have done all the usual things like reinstalling apps, shutting down everything including the network and restarting everything in sequence. Nothing I have done so far has solved this random issue.

So does Roon have an issue with Qobuz? I do prefer to use Roon, and I would rather not cancel my subscription.

I have asked about this issue on a couple of Facebook pages, to no avail.

Can anyone help me sort this please? It is SO frustrating.

The problem has been reported many times before and solved itself after many days for most. Qobuz is working with Roon to make sure it doesn’t happen again, but still has this message. Nothing is lost as long as Qobuz still knows all the favorites.

I don’t know if I’m exactly in SAME case or not…? My “favorite albums” in Qobuz section of Roon app is just showing approx. 1000 albums (this could be still seen in previous ROON releases), but in my “Main Roon library” all ripped ones, all purchased Qobuz ones and favorites albums appears without any lost one.
If I want to look in specific Qobuz favorites library (through Roon app), it’s useless because more than 50% of them are missing. With Qobuz application is working of course.
But working with 2 separate applications for the same goal is not the best way to avoid confusion ? This shouldn’t be absolutely necessary ?
Thanks for your help and suggestion.

Hi @vintageaxeman, please see our update on this here: