Roon Radio: Unexpected Error limiting radio to library

Another one here, with Tidal and Qobuz both active.

Maybe the intelligent machine-learning algorithms have become super intelligent and decided to go on holiday for the weekend? :grinning:


Mines just gone up the swaney to. Restarted core as having big problems with artwork no loading as I am editing mu library. After restart artwork is all messed up showing the same image across multiple albums…Sorry but this is a mess somethings seriously wrong with Roons servers as its not matching albums, loosing artwork, mixing artwork, It appears to be in meltdown.

In addition to “limiting” Roon Radio I have had some other quirks which were not there yesterday. Don’t know if these are related.

Qobuz started showing an empty screen and “No results” when I selected Qobuz > Taste of Qobuz and Qobuz > New Releases. Under Qobuz > My Qobuz my playlist had a blank icon.

I restarted Roon and this fixed itself (but not the Radio problem). However it recurred a moment later.

now getting this

Same for me - no radio on Tidal and no artwork on the core machine.

Same extension of problem here: artwork messed up, no artwork showing when searching, no Tidal albums not in library showing after artist search.

Seriously fubar :unamused:

I’m having the same problem with Roon Radio (EDIT: Using Tidal Service; I do not have Qobuz).

In addition, album cover images for local and Tidal albums in my library are not loading.

In one instance I got the “Error loading page” when I went to my Overview page. This cleared when I switched to Tidal then back to Overview.

Just tried Radio and it’s limited to my library.

Same for me (Tidal active subs

Same here with Tidal

Hi there,

I’ve been loving Roon 1.6. Absolutely what I (and I believe the world!) have been waiting for. Discovered four great new artists in the first day of listening.

Unfortunately it seems to have gone a bit wrong now. I keep getting the error message in the title line, and then the playback skips, stops, doesn’t finish tracks and gives a cascade of further error messages. Roon is currently not usable. I’ve tried power cycling my Nucleus+ a couple of times but that hasn’t helped.

Any advice appreciated!

Best wishes,


Maybe you’ve lost access to Qobuz and/or TIDAL, like me at 6am CST today.

The same behavior with my Roon here.

I also have no Qobuz access through their desktop app. I’m also getting no artwork now as well as these radio issues. Hope all these connectivity issues are the fix going in.

Tidal access via Bluesound Node, Heos App, Android Tidal app and browser works fine. Roon is still up the river. Still no @support paddle…

Same here. Tidal. Able to play tidal content by selecting manually, but radio gives the error message.

@support - Same here, noticed from ca 13.00 UK time. ‘Unexpected Error: Limiting Roon Radio to Library’ message pops up occasionally while playing a Qobuz album. (not using radio, but radio is set to automatically kick in at end of queue)


Playing Tidal from Roon is not a problem for me (in UK) but, if I start radio using either a local or tidal track I get the error message and radio defaults to local library - so looks like the problem is with Roon servers rather than Tidal?

More curiosity. I get the radio ‘unexpected error’ and it starts playing from my local library, but, it selects and plays tidal tracks that are already added to my library just fine.