Roon Radio Unexpected Error Limiting to Library (2019-06-00)

Getting " Roon Radio Unexpected Error Limiting Roon Radio to Library"

Running Roon on a server, rebooted it but still getting the message. Playback is fine, no issues.

I’m having same issue, intermittently happens. Roon on NUC 7I7, over wired ethernet, Tidal service, Node 2i endpoint, using both windows and android remotes. Thanks for any help. Alsi get cannot find anything to play when starting from tidal

Same here. First time it’s happened to me. Tidal plus Qobuz.

Same error here. iPhone and Innuos Zen Mini Mk3

Same with me apart from it does appear to only effect classical albums. NUC7i7 over wired ethernet to Naim ND555. Qobuz.

Hi everyone,

Things appear to be working on our end here — Is anyone still having issues with starting Radio?

Yes, still the same, limited to library


Done a few more tests and it’s almost as if parts of the catalogue are blocked. No classical appears to work but I tried rock and it did. As an example, Jackson Brown and UB40 worked fine.

Thanks everyone — We are looking into this.

Seems to be working properly for me now.

A post was split to a new topic: Roon Radio is being limited to library

This is the first time I’ve experienced this error…working normally for me now. Thanks for the support :smile:

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